As a Whole

This not intended to suggest any new content, but rather take a look at the game as a whole, from subject to subject, and see if better methods can be applied. Bear in mind, this is solely of my opinion. I'm a novice coder, so my suggestions may or may not work exactly as I envision them.

First and foremost, the map is too big for the game to handle. The best way to see that is by going to one of the gates and noclipping out-of-bounds. With the skybox as a back-drop, it is clearly visible that loading extended areas of the game such as the gates, the forest, etc. only adds them on top of the current facility, if they don't already exist.

The map needs to be loaded in chunks. This will reduce strain on the processor of the computer, thus providing better fps rates. Of course, this brings up its own set of issues. I could be wrong, but there are entities such as the MTF units that roam the facility. If it were to be loaded as chunks, much of it would be missing and the roaming entities would wind up falling into oblivion. So a tracking system would have to implemented that virtually manages roaming entity locations without the need for their physical meshes to be walking/running around. A bonus to implementing a system like this would be the elimination of 096's teleportation system. It obviously doesn't work as he winds up stuck in walls the majority of the time. That is, with my experience at least.

That all said, there are a few ways that the facility could be loaded in chunks. My personal favorite idea would be to give the checkpoints a second set of doors in what is a sort of metal detector system. With that, the player would simply wait in the metal detector while the zones are loaded and unloaded accordingly. This method also adds a fear factor because if the player is being chased by 106 or 096, they're pretty much screwed if they try changing zones.

Another is one I've suggested before, which is to replace the checkpoints with elevator rooms, thus turning the facility into a more vertical structure than horizontal. Just like my metal detector idea, the elevators would be used as the loading points, but instead of teleporting the player, the rooms around them are simply replaced by the new zone, mantinence tunnels, etc. and would eradicate the utterly rediculous falling through the floor bug that remains ever prominent.

The last method I can think of has been discussed before. Monorails that lead from zone to zone would be just as effective as the earlier two options. My only beef with the idea is that it would most definitely add a loading screen into the game, which would draw away from emersion as it currently does with the forest.

One of the worst excuses that is all too commonly used in horror games is the notion that items such as chairs, tables, etc. are so able to block the player's passage. Of course, with CB there's not that much furniture laying around, but to be able to at least jump over what is would be nice.

It would also be nicer to have some sort of player animations for the many things the player does. It would completely add to the game because the players would better lose themselves in it, especially if a skin-tone setter was added to the main menu if a physical model was added to the main character. I believe Regalis said something about not adding a physical model for the main character because of immersion purposes, but he has utterly contradicted himself by giving the main character a voice.

-106 {edited for clarification}
Despite SCP-106 having been in the game as long as SCP-173, he's one of the most incomplete NPC's in the game. His pocket dimension, for one, could be expanded greatly to even include SCP's that are not on the same site as the game, such as SCP-804, by having portals out of the facility as well as back into it. As Mr Whiskers (I think that's how your username is spelled, idk I'm just too lazy to look) had suggested, a plethora of rooms could be added to not only make the pocket dimension more maze-like, but also expand on 106's character. Also, the trenches could do without the player being forced to look at the planes every fucking time one flies overhead.

106 himself could be far more agressive than he has ever been. He could utilize his pocket dimension against the player as he does against other NPC's (especially when we consider how slow, and easy to avoid he is). He probably could also summon his own servants from the pocket dimension to assist him.

By "servants" I mean SCP-106 should be able to create other creatures in his pocket dimension since he's the god there. So why not make some for the game and have 106 summon them into the normal dimension when he's chasing the player to aid him in doing so.

When the player is being targeted by 106, it should be obvious considering how much potential he has. But in the current game, he's more of an annoyance than anything.

I don't think that there's any argument that SCP-682 is the most underdeveloped entity in the game. Even calling him a NPC is a bit generous.

He needs to become a roaming entity. Just think of the dread that seeing a few busted walls would produce. Not only that, if the vertical map generation I suggested earlier were to be implemented, he could break his way through the levels, leaving massive holes in the ground where the player could fall to his/her demise. His presence alone would be felt in the facility, making it actually feel like there's a hoard of monsters running around.

-Security and MTF's
Some one please fix the fucking walking animation. They look like they've shat themselves.

-096 {edited for clarification}
I think the inclusion of 096's deep-based chase theme is not only annoying when you're chased for extended periods of time, but serves as a constant reminder that 096 is coming after you. I feel like this robs the player of a good scare because he/she already has 096 in the back of their mind, whereas without the theme, they have to remind themself, and definitely won't be ready for 096 if and when he comes.
So, in short, I think it should be gotten rid

Also, as I've said earlier, his teleportation system needs to be gotten rid of. While he is massively OP, 096 cannot teleport which is why alternate realities are the only way to actually escape him, unless the portal to said realities remains open. (That'd be funny if 096 threatened 106 into letting him into the pocket dimension so he could get D-9341.) Instead, the system needs to keep his location saved in a map where it could simulate moving him closer to the player without actually having 096 running around. Then when 096 get's within a couple rooms of the player, the system could spawn him in.

In fact, the same system could be used for all NPC's...

-173 (extra point added)
While he is very popular, and rather scary in his own right, the maintained spawn points reduces his fear factor greatly when the player memorizes their locations. And for frequents like we forum folks, we've all done this, I'm willing to bet.

173 should also be able to move when the player is looking in it's direction from the other side of a wall.

I feel like they'd be a larger threat of they actually roamed the facility, but their special containment procedures prevent that. But if say 682 climbed through their containment area to get to the LCZ, then we have ourselves a nice dose of carnage. >:)

In my opinion, 035 is creepy as hell and second only to 096 in this regard. But the game just doesn't give it all that much to offer. Sure, the encounter with it in its containment chamber is pretty damn impressive, and there are several radio events with it begging for release (as well as the breathy "help me" but what casual player is gonna understand that's 035?). But after the player frees it, it's just gone. Sure, that in itself is creepy, but it never reappears.

Some post encounter events need to be added to 035. One could be the finding of 035's host lying on the ground, dead of course, and the mask itself missing. At which point it will be clear that someone or (if the player has read it's document) something else has it. Ow this could result in many variations.

One is that it found it's way onto a security guard's face, or a doctor's, or some other random foundation personell.

My personal favorite option is that 173 had snapped the hosts neck, and the mask made its way on 173's face. This could give 173 the added ability to persuade the player to look away. That's said nicely though. The controls will actually fight the player to look away from 173, and D-9341's vision could also darken as whispers are heard all around him.

Of course, that opens the door to other SCP's. 096 could draw the player's eyes to his face. 106 could slow the player down. And then some. The options are endless, but in all cases, it's a punishment for the player releasing 035.

Zombies should be way more common than just a couple in the area the player finds 049 in. 049 is a roaming entity after the player initially encounters him, so he's bound to find some other foundation personell (dead or alive).

When I played the 087-B mod for my YouTube channel, I was scared shitless to find The Grunt from Amnesia come at me from out of nowhere. Now, I'm not saying we need to add The Grunt in, but I am saying if the zombies were made louder and given the chance to rise from any dead body in the facility, they would be a much larger threat that would not be so easily forgotten as the currently are.

The facility empties waaaay too quickly. It should be a good thirty minutes that people are running around panicking. But I think the developers spent so much time focusing on SCP's that they neglected this detail. It would be a bit of a pain to have to animate and otherwise manage so many personell, I get that. But we're now in version 1.3.1 and the facility still feels just as empty as it did in the intial release.

Yes, there are ambient sound effects (especially in the beginning) that make it seem there are others out there. But the player already knows, they're alone from the get go. Such trickery isn't going to work.

I'll have more points later.
Last edited by Zackonark on Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:34 am, edited 4 times in total.
I'm a lead developer of the SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake. Check it out! You might enjoy it
Official Website

Re: As a Whole

Zackonark wrote:[NPC's]
Despite SCP-106 having been in the game as long as SCP-173, he's one of the most incomplete NPC's in the game. His pocket dimension, for one, could be expanded greatly to even include SCP's that are not on the same site as the game, such as SCP-804, by having portals out of the facility as well as back into it. As Mr Whiskers (I think that's how your username is spelled, idk I'm just too lazy to look) had suggested, a plethora of rooms could be added to not only make the pocket dimension more maze-like, but also expand on 106's character. Also, the trenches could do without the player being forced to look at the planes every fucking time one flies overhead.

106 himself could be far more agressive than he has ever been. He could utilize his pocket dimension against the player as he does against other NPC's (especially when we consider how slow, and easy to avoid he is). He probably could also summon his own servants from the pocket dimension to assist him. After all, he is the God of the pocket dimension, so why wouldn't he be able to create life there.

When the player is being targeted by 106, it should be obvious considering how much potential he has. But in the current game, he's more of an annoyance than anything.
I agree, but what do you mean by servants?
I don't think that there's any argument that SCP-682 is the most underdeveloped entity in the game. Even calling him a NPC is a bit generous.

He needs to become a roaming entity. Just think of the dread that seeing a few busted walls would produce. Not only that, if the vertical map generation I suggested earlier were to be implemented, he could break his way through the levels, leaving massive holes in the ground where the player could fall to his/her demise. His presence alone would be felt in the facility, making it actually feel like there's a hoard of monsters running around.
682 was meant to have a proper model but the people making the models went inactive (one without notice) and from what I've seen, nobody has attempted to pick the project back up, so good luck.
-Security and MTF's
Some one please fix the fucking walking animation. They look like they've shat themselves.
I agree. The current animations were a default for the Guards, and the MTFs had the same animations applied to them so they don't look too great in motion.
The inclusion of his chase theme serves as a constant reminder that yuh fucked up. This is not a good thing. If the player manages to evade SCP-096 long enough, they may subconsciously forget they even saw him, and that's when he get's 'em! But, the chase theme constantly warns the player that this could happen, so a massive jump scare is missed out on entirely.

While he is very popular, and rather scary in his own right, the maintained spawn points reduces his fear factor greatly when the player memorizes their locations. And for frequents like we forum folks, we've all done this, I'm willing to bet.
Most of the time, 173 teleports out of nowhere and kills me, it's OP enough as it is.
I feel like they'd be a larger threat of they actually roamed the facility, but their special containment procedures prevent that. But if say 682 climbed through their containment area to get to the LCZ, then we have ourselves a nice dose of carnage.
I feel like a 4th instance roaming the facility somewhere can't go wrong, it'd certainly add more to 939 like the Storage Area 6 expansion and the 3rd instance did. Now let's hope its lines aren't just recycled from elsewhere.

Re: As a Whole

AgentParadox wrote:
While he is very popular, and rather scary in his own right, the maintained spawn points reduces his fear factor greatly when the player memorizes their locations. And for frequents like we forum folks, we've all done this, I'm willing to bet.
Most of the time, 173 teleports out of nowhere and kills me, it's OP enough as it is.
I actually disagree with you on this point; the spawn points are just easy to memorize and greatly reduces my chances of dying and, thus, reducing the NPC's fear factor. There needs to be some work about the SCP if it were to give me a scare, just like the first few times I played SCP CB.

Re: As a Whole

AgentParadox wrote:I agree, but what do you mean by servants?
Sorry. I mean, SCP-106 should be able to create other creatures in his pocket dimension since he's the god there. So why not make some for the game and have 106 summon them into the normal dimension when he's chasing the player to aid him in doing so.
AgentParadox wrote:Uh...
Again, sorry. I was trying for epic, which probably isn't the best of ideas.

I was trying to point out that I think the inclusion of 096's deep-based chase theme is not only annoying when you're chased for extended periods of time, but serves as a constant reminder that 096 is coming after you. I feel like this robs the player of a good scare because he/she already has 096 in the back of their mind, whereas without the theme, they have to remind themself, and definitely won't be ready for 096 if and when he comes.
So, in short, I think it should be gotten rid of.
I'm a lead developer of the SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake. Check it out! You might enjoy it
Official Website

Re: As a Whole

Zackonark wrote:
First and foremost, the map is too big for the game to handle. The best way to see that is by going to one of the gates and noclipping out-of-bounds. With the skybox as a back-drop, it is clearly visible that loading extended areas of the game such as the gates, the forest, etc. only adds them on top of the current facility, if they don't already exist.

The map needs to be loaded in chunks. This will reduce strain on the processor of the computer, thus providing better fps rates. Of course, this brings up its own set of issues. I could be wrong, but there are entities such as the MTF units that roam the facility. If it were to be loaded as chunks, much of it would be missing and the roaming entities would wind up falling into oblivion. So a tracking system would have to implemented that virtually manages roaming entity locations without the need for their physical meshes to be walking/running around. A bonus to implementing a system like this would be the elimination of 096's teleportation system. It obviously doesn't work as he winds up stuck in walls the majority of the time. That is, with my experience at least.

That all said, there are a few ways that the facility could be loaded in chunks. My personal favorite idea would be to give the checkpoints a second set of doors in what is a sort of metal detector system. With that, the player would simply wait in the metal detector while the zones are loaded and unloaded accordingly. This method also adds a fear factor because if the player is being chased by 106 or 096, they're pretty much screwed if they try changing zones.

Another is one I've suggested before, which is to replace the checkpoints with elevator rooms, thus turning the facility into a more vertical structure than horizontal. Just like my metal detector idea, the elevators would be used as the loading points, but instead of teleporting the player, the rooms around them are simply replaced by the new zone, mantinence tunnels, etc. and would eradicate the utterly rediculous falling through the floor bug that remains ever prominent.

The last method I can think of has been discussed before. Monorails that lead from zone to zone would be just as effective as the earlier two options. My only beef with the idea is that it would most definitely add a loading screen into the game, which would draw away from emersion as it currently does with the forest.

One of the worst excuses that is all too commonly used in horror games is the notion that items such as chairs, tables, etc. are so able to block the player's passage. Of course, with CB there's not that much furniture laying around, but to be able to at least jump over what is would be nice.

It would also be nicer to have some sort of player animations for the many things the player does. It would completely add to the game because the players would better lose themselves in it, especially if a skin-tone setter was added to the main menu if a physical model was added to the main character. I believe Regalis said something about not adding a physical model for the main character because of immersion purposes, but he has utterly contradicted himself by giving the main character a voice.
I really like these ideas and am thinking about incorporating some similar things into my port. I already planned on loading the facility as chunks, in order to reduce strain on people's computers. It'd be cool to see something like that make its way into the base game!

the metal detector system especially is interesting, since there is a new guard room with a delay in 1.3.1, where the doors open and close in a checkpoint of sorts. This could probably easily be re-used to create the loading zones between facility zones.

Re: As a Whole

zornor90 wrote:I really like these ideas and am thinking about incorporating some similar things into my port. I already planned on loading the facility as chunks, in order to reduce strain on people's computers. It'd be cool to see something like that make its way into the base game!

the metal detector system especially is interesting, since there is a new guard room with a delay in 1.3.1, where the doors open and close in a checkpoint of sorts. This could probably easily be re-used to create the loading zones between facility zones.
Well, if you implement these your port may be better than the base game. (That's coming from me, so it probably holds no weight considering this entire thread is about my opinions of the game).

If you like my ideas, I have more coming. I just need to find time to write them down. (Fucking college on top of a 10 hour graveyard shift)

Added 135, zombies, and the beginning to my rant. For convenience, I'm also posting them here too.
In my opinion, 035 is creepy as hell and second only to 096 in this regard. But the game just doesn't give it all that much to offer. Sure, the encounter with it in its containment chamber is pretty damn impressive, and there are several radio events with it begging for release (as well as the breathy "help me" but what casual player is gonna understand that's 035?). But after the player frees it, it's just gone. Sure, that in itself is creepy, but it never reappears.

Some post encounter events need to be added to 035. One could be the finding of 035's host lying on the ground, dead of course, and the mask itself missing. At which point it will be clear that someone or (if the player has read it's document) something else has it. Ow this could result in many variations.

One is that it found it's way onto a security guard's face, or a doctor's, or some other random foundation personell.

My personal favorite option is that 173 had snapped the hosts neck, and the mask made its way on 173's face. This could give 173 the added ability to persuade the player to look away. That's said nicely though. The controls will actually fight the player to look away from 173, and D-9341's vision could also darken as whispers are heard all around him.

Of course, that opens the door to other SCP's. 096 could draw the player's eyes to his face. 106 could slow the player down. And then some. The options are endless, but in all cases, it's a punishment for the player releasing 035.

Zombies should be way more common than just a couple in the area the player finds 049 in. 049 is a roaming entity after the player initially encounters him, so he's bound to find some other foundation personell (dead or alive).

When I played the 087-B mod for my YouTube channel, I was scared shitless to find The Grunt from Amnesia come at me from out of nowhere. Now, I'm not saying we need to add The Grunt in, but I am saying if the zombies were made louder and given the chance to rise from any dead body in the facility, they would be a much larger threat that would not be so easily forgotten as the currently are.

The facility empties waaaay too quickly. It should be a good thirty minutes that people are running around panicking. But I think the developers spent so much time focusing on SCP's that they neglected this detail. It would be a bit of a pain to have to animate and otherwise manage so many personell, I get that. But we're now in version 1.3.1 and the facility still feels just as empty as it did in the intial release.

Yes, there are ambient sound effects (especially in the beginning) that make it seem there are others out there. But the player already knows, they're alone from the get go. Such trickery isn't going to work.
I'm a lead developer of the SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake. Check it out! You might enjoy it
Official Website