[1.3.3] Storage Area 6: Elevator Door Closes But Elevator Won't Go Up

I previously had this glitch occur at times when I played version 1.3.2. I looked for topics that mentioned it, but if there are some, they are swamped by the numerous ones that refer to the vanishing elevator floor bug.

It seems like I got a map seed where going through the underground, SCP-939-infested storage area is necessary for me to access the part of the Light Containment Zone with SCP-914.

I knew that SCP-106 was likely to spawn shortly, so I saved before taking the elevator down to Storage Area 6 and did not save once down there, hoping I could make a flawless journey.

I successfully eluded the creatures with many voices, then 106 spawned just when I had a bee line to the other elevator.

I rushed to it, pressed the button to open it — which it did instantly; no wait nor "You called the elevator" message — entered it and pressed the button. Yet the elevator did not go up and 106 eventually closed in on me.

I tried this again. Again the elevator remained underground, so I pressed the button once again, but then came the line "You called the elevator" and, after some time, the door opened to... the storage area, with 106 casually strolling towards me. :106:

Unfortunately I didn't think of checking the console for error messages on those occasions.

On the third time, I decided to dash through the storage area with noclip on; this time, when I reached the elevator and pressed the button, there was a wait and the message "You called the elevator."

So, unless the stationary elevator bug is triggered by random factors, it would seem that the presence of 106 or the passing of time (and coming close to the overloading point) have something to do with it.

Game configuration: 1600x900, fullscreen, use launcher, difficulty: safe, map seed: mwxrk052.