Re: [0.9.3][FIX]Resource RTE Mod + Other fixes

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First Aid Kit firstaid
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9V Battery bat
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9V Battery bat
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9V Battery bat
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9V Battery bat
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Mastercard misc
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Mod Edit: Man, use spoilers next time for such a large post.

The page above is the inormation from the text notepad from saves.
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: [0.9.3][FIX]Resource RTE Mod + Other fixes

I'm afraid I can't do this because I have to have admin passage in order to do stuff like that on my computer(parents).
Anyways, I can tell you what to do in order to replicate the process. First you read the 173 document, class d leaflet; the two notes in 914s chamber, scp-372s document. Then make sure you have the very-fine gas mask, The S-nav ultimate, the level one and two keycard and a radio( make sure you put batteries in the s-nav.) Do all of this without console commands. Note. I used the console commands to get rid of the camera fog and turn wireframe on and off. Go to scp-914s room and save and try to get the omni keycard. As you try to load the game the error should come up.
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: [0.9.3][FIX]Resource RTE Mod + Other fixes

juanjpro wrote:Found a better way to fix the slow document loading:

Code: Select all

Function ResizeImage_Fast(image%,width%,height%) ;this uses FastExt
	img2% = CreateImage(width,height)
	FreeImage image
	Return img2
End Function
If I wasn't so lazy/had the time, I'd probably look at the fastext function definitions... Yea, this makes way more sense; frees up RAM a little bit, though, I'm still not that fond of loading stuff from storage on the fly.
M-x dingus-mode