Storage Area 6 Elevator Bug

The Storage Area 6 Elevator has been at random bugging out on the ride down, and falling through the elevator to the bottom of what I assume is the shaft.

I have yet to test this on any other elevators, as qute frankly I am a pansy and can't get past any of the 939s.

Game Version-3.1.6

Re: Storage Area 6 Elevator Bug

YYGCYang wrote:The Storage Area 6 Elevator has been at random bugging out on the ride down, and falling through the elevator to the bottom of what I assume is the shaft.

I have yet to test this on any other elevators, as qute frankly I am a pansy and can't get past any of the 939s.

Game Version-3.1.6
In 1.3.7, the elevators work a little bit different (they will still teleport the player, but they will do it as seamless as possible). This should fix the issue (at least when I simulated it on 10 FPS, I fell through it before too and now I'm not falling through it at all).

Re: Storage Area 6 Elevator Bug

DeadSloth wrote:Maan you devs keep talking about that 1.3.7 all the time, I've read dozen of subjects with bugs and you just say "wait for 1.3.7" with no any other help or clue for fix.
I and many others would really appreciate if you tried at least a little.
Well, there is no other way, unless you can manage to increase your FPS. This can be done by lowering some graphical settings in the options.