Okay im done... SCP 1499 Glitch Stuck

Okay im done, In the 2 Save files of my post that i send before MTF STUCK IN LCZ And the SCP 049 and Guard stuck in elevator, WELL HERE IS THE THIRD ONE, Today im finding glitches like... Why...?
Well if you have the Save file that you can find in those 2, I have the item SCP-1499 Well put it on and you cannot move... you are stuck inside a structure... Nice... :duck:
Game Breaker-ForgotName-
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Re: Okay im done... SCP 1499 Glitch Stuck

-ForgotName- wrote:Okay im done, In the 2 Save files of my post that i send before MTF STUCK IN LCZ And the SCP 049 and Guard stuck in elevator, WELL HERE IS THE THIRD ONE, Today im finding glitches like... Why...?
Well if you have the Save file that you can find in those 2, I have the item SCP-1499 Well put it on and you cannot move... you are stuck inside a structure... Nice... :duck:
Please send this save files with this problem