Re: Zombie Apocalypse RP

where to begin though? are we continuing now, or starting new? anyway, here's my new profile

Name: Dave
Last name: Why do you care? i have bacon.
Past Job: None, but a hobby of big game hunter.
Expert In: All-Round small arms, and blades.
WEPONS: Glock 18, clip x3 plus the bullets in the gun, so clip x4. Machete(what else :P)
Physical Appearance: 180 lb. Very strong arms(from using machete). has a goatee, and flat hair on top. 19 y.o. 1.5 m tall.
Location: A gunshop on 18th gaylord lane(no, not really, just a gun shop.)
Supplies: Some Chips(worth 1.5 canned food), cokan-cola(obvious ripoff, but anyway it's drink with the side effect of speed & adrenaline), laptop.(like a radio)

Well, Let's see...

"This is just like left 4 dead 2..." i whisper to myself.
*walks into the employees only room, gets my laptop* Radio towers down, military mostly overrun..

*i slip a quarter into a vending machine, and click n&n's.*


*i only have 30 c left.*

small ooc note: make parody names for food if you want :P

*looks at the silencer rack(it is a gunstore :P)*

"Perfect! this will help. hope no insane people try and kill me. not that they'd succeed. i've played dead rising 2...."

*puts silencer on Glock 18*

*notices a zombie outside. aims down sights. pulls the trigger.*

I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card

Re: Zombie Apocalypse RP

After taking a DAMN LONG time to eat his food he gets up, picks up his backpack and starts walking into the market.

"Another day, another day. Let's see what screwed over situations I could POSSIBLY get into. Ooh, piece of candy... Ooh, piece of candy... Ooh, piece of candy..."
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