Re: Gaming Computer

These are my recomendations:

Windows 7. This is better than 8, since the interface is easier to use, because you are familiar with it. Not all games work with 8 and in my opinion, windows 8 is more for touch computer.
8gb of RAM. You can get 4 and still play fine, but I recommend 8 since you can get much more. You can also get 16 or more, but I'm sure you won't need THAT much RAM.
Intel core I7. Again, you COULD get I5, but I7 is so much better. Don't even think about I3.
For graphics card and such, I suggest a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670. If not, try to get something that is this generation. Don't get two greaphics card, since aside from being expensive as heck, its not that useful.
For cooling, air cooling is more than enough. Just try to get a good one.
For monitor, get an HD or LED if you can.
Mouse, wired gaming mouse. Wired works much better than USB one.
A normal keyboard is enough. You can get a gaming one, but its expencive and you don't need it.

Getting a computer is not easy. You need to consider each component and make sure they are good ones. This is not like a console, you have to think about the future, because you WILL have to upgrade it. A computer is something that you will use for ever, and you won't replace it, just upgrade it. Its better to start with a budget of around $2000, and be ready to use some money to keep it running. You should get advice from someone who knows about this kind of stuff.
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-