Re: How far did you get?

Serimah wrote:Well, seeing as I reached the end on so many occasions.... Once you have the rythm you can walk through the game calmly :096:
Oh, I beated the game before.

Welcome to NIL has to be the best error message ever.

Found the code for the error messages.

Code: Select all

	If KillTimer>90 Then 
		If PlayerFloor > 130 Then
			Select Rand(7)
				Case 1
				Case 2
					RuntimeError("It's not about whether you die or not, it's about when you die.")
				Case 3
				Case 4
					RuntimeError("welcome to NIL")	
			End Select 
So the messages are:
"NO" (Glimpse reference?)
"It's not about whether you die or not, it's about when you die."
"welcome to NIL"
The preparation for a dive is always a tense time

Re: How far did you get?

Well, the ending depends on your gameplay, also, you can't tell what the crazy characters are on the signs, i think one time i played SCP-087-B, i was at 63 when i saw those characters, i think i died on 87.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)