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Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

You make a good point, though we can't be sure since the nature of SCP-409's contagion is unclear while SCP-009's document goes into detail about how it affects people; all moisture in the subject's body is frozen - converted into the same substance. SCP-409 appears to have more in common with a dis...

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

With Red Ice (009) being a very dangerous and quick killing substance with no known cure according to the Foundation (given its properties and effects of crystallization and all), wouldn't Panacea (500) be both a reliable and an appropriate medicine used to clean out the Red Ice from the body's sys...

Re: Your favourite cute animal

Jumping spiders are such darling creatures. There's also something strangely adorable about their arachnid cousins the Solifuges. Must be their tiny little eyes or something.

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