Search found 224 matches

Re: Some rooms should have a story.

Perhaps add corpses or side-effects of those expendable SCP's, perhaps those SCP's wouldn't be from the Wiki, or have a number, just some sort of body or something generic. Oh they would all be from the wiki, no false scp's. (: by 'expendable' I mean SCP's that can come in various numbers like SCP-...

Re: Some rooms should have a story.

I'd like to expand on this with another idea I had in mind with randomized generation: The map/game is getting bigger every update, I was thinking that Guards NPC's could actually be alive in the distance (20 rooms away or so) and actually fighting those Keter + Euclids breaking out, so there could...

Some rooms should have a story.

First off, I'm not sure if this should be moved to the "Room ideas" thread, since this isn't suggesting new rooms, just new story elements in rooms. Anywho: Now we all know CB has a very oppressive atmosphere, but at times it can seem...lacking when everything is all calm (Some rooms have nothing in...

Re: Audio Logs Suggestion

Audio and Video logs are a great way to immerse some one in a world, Tons of games do it, Bioshock is well known for it's Audi logs, and Dead space has also exploited the use of Video and Audio logs. Perhaps have logs of conversation between Dr's and Scientists, maybe of D-Class, Maybe of secret com...

Re: Improved intro

Oskar-PL wrote:Is there something about my fav Link?
Ontopic: STOP RIGHT THERE! I'ts too complex to my small brain :D
I wish I could understand what you just said O.o

Re: Improved intro

I feel as if the player should pass by a group of D-class who; A: Seemed relaxed and comment on 173 (Nothing bad happened to them.) B: Distressed (Perhaps one of them died, or they witnessed it's incredible speed.) C: Seem scared, but mock the player because it's his turn to test 173, or D: Only one...

Re: Any one have any experience with selling art?

Destructoid wrote:Wat. Well, if you plan on continuing pone, an OC is a must have. If you plan on drawing a few ponies and stopping, then it's not really necessary.
Fine, MY OC will be a girl with an evil twin, have two different colored eyes, be loved by all the main characters and her face will be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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