Search found 926 matches

Re: did you guys forget who had the ideia for the map creato

Lets not be too quick to dismiss someone who may well have, at the very least, put the idea of a map creator on our minds. However in this situation I think that being able to single handley claim to be the sole individual to have spawned the idea of something very generic as a map creator is someth...

Re: SCP-035

We could always add SCP-035 in a a cameo role of sorts since essentially SCP-035 would function ingame almost identically to SCP-012 (The musical sheet) in that they would both force the player towards them and result in the players death. A cameo idea I think might be worthwhile is showing a team o...

Re: SCP Map Creator

The map editor is really simple to use. First off start the application which can be found in the file called "Map Creator". This will bring you to the app page. Now you simple mess around and design your map, the hard part initially is figuring out what the rooms look like and how you want the base...

Re: Dev Topic #3

The term of Alpha and Beta is somewhat subjective now days.

My personal interpretation is that Alpha is a very early version of software that is unfinished but forms the bare bones of the final product, the Beta would be far more complete but still requires bug testing and the such.

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