Search found 435 matches

Re: Break-A-Wish Game

Granted. You get a ship which immediately sinks.

I wish that there is an SCP theme park where there's a building that's a replica of the facility in SCP containment breach, where you can encounter the SCPs in the game as well.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game [V2]

Output: After SCP-914's refinery process has finished, the Output booth reveals what appears to be a :REDACTED:-dimensional cube, in which upon initial examination proves a quantum theory proposed by Dr. :REDACTED:. Immediately however the object manifested sudden disruptions in spacetime and :EXPUN...

Re: [0.9.3] Bug Compilation

Haven't encountered this yet in the actual game, but when I made a custom map in the Map Creator there were a number of rooms that had no doors at all. Definitely a bug. Do you mean there were no doors in-game while playing your own custom map? Or are you using juanjpro's WYSIWYG Map Creator? In th...

Re: Break-A-Wish Game

Granted, but: - After you made Bully II Rockstar Games sued you for using their Bully Renderware engine and got you convicted and all of the copies of what you made were deleted. - Rockstar Games releases Bully II but is found out to be incompatible for all systems and cannot be fixed. I wish that m...

[SUGGESTION] List of keycodes for the HCZ blast doors?

Hello guys so this is my first thread and I just thought of a plausible idea for the game. Feel free to lock this thread if my suggestion is stupid. Now whether it's next to the elevator or on two of the four sides of the big test room in the Heavy Containment Zone, there are blast doors that have k...

Re: [0.9.3] Bug Compilation

The door thief has returned... Doors such as the testroom doors appear to sometimes go missing. In corner rooms, there's a heavy containment door... SIDEWAYS. SCP-096 gets stuck and constantly does his aggro animation when chasing me. 173's containment box moves on its own sometimes. It's really di...

Re: [Map Creator] WYSIWYG

Nice. I just found the map creator at the Box of Horrors mod, and I didn't get the use of the green and red balls till now. I just wish the window of the map editor itself could be like, resized or made full screen; I have to auto-hide the taskbar every time I use the editor to get to the 3D view.

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