Re: The Sculpture - Public Beta Released!

I tried your beta, and i came up with a pros and con list.

has a flashlight
uses unity engine

Stolen models
Slow movement
Slender ripoff
Shaders are not configured
Should be webased
slow looking around
no special effects

For the time you took to get that far, it does'nt look like you made much progress.
not trying to be a dick, but you need to work alot harder before releasing something like this. and for a "beta" thats extremely bad.
there is none of your own ideas in it either.

sorry i this sounds bad but xD... you could try alot harder.

Re: The Sculpture - Public Beta Released!

Well honestly I didn't expect a good review from you, I mean you bashed on me for "stealing" a trailer, and now your bashing on me for using placeholder graphics, that is exactly what I expected haha.

However, this is the very first release, it will be updated in the future. Thank you for your review. Yes, it could have been said a bit nicer, but at least it gives constructive criticism.

Also, I only worked on this for about a month. Because I have a life (not saying you don't), I only spent a couple hours a week on this. And I wouldn't be saying that for the time I worked on this, I haven't made progress, because look at your game. You've been working on it since mid-way of last year. I would expect it to be pretty damn amazing for that time period, compared to my one month.

Re: The Sculpture - Public Beta Released!

I seem to have a problem running the Mac version of the beta on my computer. Whenever I try opening it it just closes instantly. It's not really that big of a problem for me since I have a Windows laptop, but I would just like to know if anyone else is experiencing this problem. Although I doubt anybody on this forum even has a Mac.

Off Topic:
SCP 513 wrote:Well.... you're hard-working. Full version cumming on March 22???
SCP 513 wrote:Full version cumming on March 22???
SCP 513 wrote:Full version cumming
SCP 513 wrote:cumming
Last edited by CommanderMark on Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.