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Re: SCP-610 'Game' Infected Ideas

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:55 pm
by spartan322
Maybe for the runners, you should make it that you can kill them. A head shot would be ideal to blow their heads of (if it is high caliber) which would mean they won't be able to see you, meaning that it would be much easier to escape or kill them. You would of course do this only when you have been spotted, in order to not alert all of them.

For the Walker, I guess that you can just run, since they are slow, and maybe be able to kill them or just blow of their legs if you have some sort of explosive. A full automatic weapon might be useful to destroying the spinal cord, if they even need it. If not, you should hide and let them pass.

For the tank I would say it is more of a run as far as you can. I'm thinking that these guys would wreck a mess to try to kill you.

I actually like the idea you have so far. Might make for the survival experience left4dead didn't have.

Re: SCP-610 'Game' Infected Ideas

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:28 am
by scpharrisee
Yeah, it would be cool if you had some high explosives types of weapons so that you could blow the guts out of these creatures. After all, they are extremely hostile and infectious, so you are supposed to "terminate them with extreme prejudice". But a twist on that concept would be that you would have to avoid the entrails/blood left behind by the dead creatures so you yourself don't get infected. Ugh, now isn't that gross?

Re: SCP-610 'Game' Infected Ideas

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:37 am
by BJFowLer
There are going to be about one-two very rare hand grenades you can find in game.

Re: SCP-610 'Game' Infected Ideas

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:58 pm
by Agent Shlocky
It'd be pretty cool, if you could build barricades to slow the infected down a bit. Perhaps you could implement a Half-Life 2 style grab button to stack objects and to block door ways? Of course the infected could break through, and flesh brutes could destroy them in a second, but they could slow down the runners and walkers a little. That, or you could use a hammer and 2 by 4 to slow em down too. Think COD zombies style, but a lot slower, and minus the floating boards.

Re: SCP-610 'Game' Infected Ideas

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:16 pm
by BJFowLer
That'd be great to have however... not the easiest to implement. I'll try to work that in at some point, but not release one.