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SCP-610 (In develoment)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:20 pm
by BJFowLer
So your a member of A MTF Sent to clean up an outbreak of Scp 610 that the escaped past the infected area in Russia And the mission goes horribly wrong. You find your self with most of your squad dead and your low on ammo. Can you make it out Alive?

The base mechanics are as follows
-You have gas mask that you have to keep on around the infected,but it blocks some of your vision.

- While you do have an assault rifle and sidearm your low on ammo and guns do not do to much to the infected in less you fill them with bullets.

-Infected are very deadly even when there is only one.

-While you are a trained MTF you can not last forever. You need to get out without becoming infected.

-Any of your Surviving squad members can and will die or become infected.

-Hand to Hand combat is very dangerous with infected, as your risk of becoming infected are much higher.

-You will have to deal with crazed survivors.

-Will have multiply endings based on how many of your squad members are make it out,how you treat survivors, and weather you become infected or not.

So this is beening made as we speak., so any ideas or want to help make it.

Re: SCP-610 (idea)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:03 pm
by CommanderMark
What engine would this be made on?

Re: SCP-610 (idea)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:23 pm
by BJFowLer
Well so far i'm considering using Unity, Blitz3D, if i want to dig into my wallet a little. Also Fps Creator is an option but it's rather limiting on the other hand i wouldn't need any programmers. It would be faster to make With Fps creator as well. But i'm leaning toward unity. Why do you ask
:?: Do you want to help or are you just woundering

Re: SCP-610 (idea)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:10 pm
by buttershy
I can help you, but if you use Blitz 3d i can help a little, Unity : no and FPS Creator Yes.

Re: SCP-610 (idea)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:17 pm
by BJFowLer
Ok I'll keep you in touch will see witch engine i go for . What can you do Level Creation, Modeling, Animation voice acting.

Re: SCP-610 (In develoment)

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:31 pm
by D-9999
I like the sound of this. Have you thought of maybe adding... multiplayer? I'm sorry, but I haven't been on the forums much, and I'm probably at the wrong place to be asking.

Re: SCP-610 (In develoment)

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:47 am
by mrpeanut188
Just let this thread die, unless he still needs more answers. I believe he already chose an engine and has started development. UDK if i'm not mistaken.