Re: [1.2.3] SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (v0.1.1) The Big Update

I have a SCP suggestion, SCP-151

How it could work: Maybe, you could find it in it's containment room, with it's sheet on the ground. If you view it, you would begin to suffer and die from it's effects after maybe 2-3 minutes.
You would have to pass it's room without looking at it altough I had imagined it being more of a curiousity than playing a big role.

It wouldn't be too hard to add, since it is a picture, which causes you to drown after some time.
Playing SCP : Containment Breach since v0.6.5.

My favorite SCP's: Pretty much all of them


Re: [1.2.3] SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (v0.1.1) The Big Update

AveryLP wrote:I have a SCP suggestion, SCP-151

How it could work: Maybe, you could find it in it's containment room, with it's sheet on the ground. If you view it, you would begin to suffer and die from it's effects after maybe 2-3 minutes.
You would have to pass it's room without looking at it altough I had imagined it being more of a curiousity than playing a big role.

It wouldn't be too hard to add, since it is a picture, which causes you to drown after some time.
I noted it down and thanks for the suggestion and the description of how it would be in-game :wink:

Re: [1.2.3] SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (v0.1.1) The Big Update

PXLSHN wrote:
Sirwhiskers100 wrote:Add scp-718 please
I'll write it as an idea down if you tell me how you had in mind of how it will work in-game.
I thought that since you have a gun that you could attack it and it would result in a game over due to the amount of discomfort that having multiple eyes growing out of you would cause
People who can eat people are the luckiest people in the world.

Re: [1.2.3] SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (v0.1.1) The Big Update

Catnipbuddy wrote:I had an idea to add Project Scramble.

You know how it didn't actually work? Well if they had delayed the video for around one tenth of a second they would easily have enough time to scramble SCP-096's face.

Some possible draw backs is the delayed video, and perhaps a high power usage.
It's actually a great idea, but I need to try if the delay thing would even work (it would only be a very small amount of time (like some milliseconds), but I have to figure out a method to make this possible).