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SCPCB Ubuntu Port

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:09 pm
by mrslig100
Well the ubuntu the race is on!
first one to get it to work in ubuntu wins nothing!
However it would be a fantastic oppotunity for linux users to have a go at porting/playing SCPCB
Not only that but as far as I know, no-one has ever sucessfully ported a blitz3D game over to linux or mac!
Once ones ported their all ported.
Now I know very of blitz3d but im almost certain it renders in directx 7.
Ive seen all to many threads where people have asked about ports and instantly been shot down due to the engine rendering in directx.
Ive got plenty of directx games to work in ubuntu through wine.
Lets do this!

Re: SCPCB Ubuntu Port

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:24 pm
by SCP-Sean
This thread may as well be locked. It has been left in the dust for about a year now.

Re: SCPCB Ubuntu Port

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:41 pm
by hug0905
SCP-Sean wrote:This thread may as well be locked. It has been left in the dust for about a year now.
Sean, not to backseat moderate (again), but i had done that in the past about 4 months before you came to these forums, also from your past posts, you've been bumping alot of mod threads, so stop bumping please.

And on the other unrelated note, i wish i could get some perma duct tape so i would never backseat moderate again.

Re: SCPCB Ubuntu Port

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:13 am
by Irontaco
Holy fuck then don't do it it's common sense it's not like we don't see it or something or not see anybody going around intentionally making nonsense trollposts and trying to make it seem like they're newbies or something.

Don't get bumping threads again sean just to get them locked for no reason, you know perfectly well what happened last time.