Memetic Hazards

What is the extent to which a memetic hazard can have indirect effects? I know that 096 can enter its rage state even upon someone viewing its photograph. Can something go to an even father universal extent? For example (this is just an example), can a text containing a certain collection of words - like "scrvq weth rox" - be an SCP if someone reading these words in any form (digital, type, writing, Braille, etc) exhibits strange behavior? Or would this simply be a universal anomaly....

Yes, I did have a few ideas for writing an SCP when the time permits later. I really need a creative outlet, and I was thinking what better way to truly intiate myself with the SCP community.... :P
"Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief."

Re: Memetic Hazards

Dunno reallly, I think according to my logic it could be a memetic hazard :P But what If few people on the world wouldn't be affected by it? Should it be declassified then?
Also, my first post after a reaaaaly long pause on forums :D
Nothing here for now, because the site with my previous banner got infected.

Re: Memetic Hazards

The photo of 096 and the 096 itself isn't memetic, it just works the way that only perfect reproduction of the face of 096 (that means the photos) or the visual itself is able to make 096 enter the rage state. If you see just a artistic remake of its look, no matter how accurate as painting or smiliar image, isn't able to make it change it's state.
And back to topic, as it seems those memetic hazards are triggered only when understood by our brain and we give response. It can be some text which makes us uncounsiously think about something even if it isn't mean in the context of the text itself. So I would compare it maybe to the "subliminal stimuli". Read about it, it's like real memetic hazard that few decades ago was used mainly for advertising purpuose that, for example, made you buy something or make you at least want to buy something without your will.
Nothing here for now, because the site with my previous banner got infected.

Re: Memetic Hazards

That was actually a perfect example of using memetics, it made me really think it's going to be locked in 5 posts and I thought about You being an Moderator for a second, before I checked. To be honest, I am moderator too.
See? I used memetics again. But that was honest. Why? Because I didn't say I am Moderator here, I am actually Head Moderator on the Tech European Community forums, so I said a really truly fact and I was really truly honest. I just didn't say all details.
I think that gave you a basic idea.
Nothing here for now, because the site with my previous banner got infected.

Re: Memetic Hazards

Oskar-PL wrote:That was actually a perfect example of using memetics, it made me really think it's going to be locked in 5 posts and I thought about You being an Moderator for a second, before I checked. To be honest, I am moderator too.
See? I used memetics again. But that was honest. Why? Because I didn't say I am Moderator here, I am actually Head Moderator on the Tech European Community forums, so I said a really truly fact and I was really truly honest. I just didn't say all details.
I think that gave you a basic idea.
You were bumping a dead thread that was made 4 months ago, next time, i will just shut my stupid mouth up and not act like a mod, also when i mean by 5, that's a countdown kind of thing, like 5,4,3,2,1, that makes sense.

This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Memetic Hazards

I actually put something useful and answered his (weird) question.
If Im going to be banned, or have infractions, then I'm okay I think.
And with saying about me being Head Mod, I wasn't kidding, just FYI.
Nothing here for now, because the site with my previous banner got infected.

Re: Memetic Hazards


I'm banned.

on a nooby garry's mod server rurururu
hug0905 wrote: You were bumping a dead thread that was made 4 months ago, next time, i will just shut my stupid mouth up and not act like a mod, also when i mean by 5, that's a countdown kind of thing, like 5,4,3,2,1, that makes sense.

He obviously knew what the countdown was.
Oskar-PL wrote: You really made me think you were a mod and the topic was going to be locked in 5 posts.
I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card