HarshlyCritical's playthrough showcased a few small bugs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjvGbQSOv_k
In essence:
- floating corpse of the butt ghost victim
- 173 still happens to float around now and then
- At 10:37, I'm guessing he got stuck in the door, and afterwards between 173 and the door without getting his neck snapped.
- tower of D-class people on a table in one of the offices was especially hilarious.
It's also a bit weird how an MTF and an SCP simply ignore each other when both appear at the same time, but that's not really a bug.
Another slight problem I've noticed repeatedly is the fact you don't get enough time to read the leaflet at the beginning, before the guard extracts you from your cell. Not really a bug, but it'd be nice to get some more time to take in your surroundings. oh, and me and a lot of other people actually got quite confused the first time after the guard guided you the whole way, since he doesn't immediately react unless you move on to the next door. This is pretty unnatural for a game in which you get punished whenever you take one wrong step. But these are just minor flaws.
Re: V0.6.6 Changelog/bugs
#41http://www.scp-wiki.net/the-things-dr-b ... foundation -> Dr. Bright for president! \o/