Navigational Issues

I think I've found myself a bug of sorts! I'll try to describe the situation as best as I can:

Evading both SCP-106 and SCP-173. I'll leave the details about running away from them and just get to the point.

I've noticed that I've been unable to move through certain doors when there are no visible objects blocking the way. Some of these locations are where I met my demise by SCP-173 - Usually as I'm just about to pass through a door or corner - And had no choice but to load a save. As I return to the same location, I find myself unable to get past certain doors, even though there is nothing visible in sight.

What I've noticed about these locations is: I've died there by SCP-173. Even though SCP-173 is not there in that location when I reload a save, I find myself unable to get past them. It's almost as though SCP-173 is still there, albeit invisible and docile. I've tried blinking, but I find myself unable to get through these locations despite nothing visible blocking the way.

My assumption about this bug: Despite reloading a saved game after dying, somehow, the game still thinks SCP-173 is still there, though there is nothing visible in that exact location.

Hopefully I've described this bug alright without it seeming confusing. I'm assuming that these impassible locations are where SCP-173 was located prior to loading the game, though I may be wrong.

There are also instances where I've fallen through the floor when reloading a save and having to fly back up to where I was before via cheats.

Again, I hope I've described this bug alright without it seeming confusing. :)
"Okay, he can't f~ing open doors, you're fine."
"Are you sure? He f~ing killed those guys." :173:
"Yeah, but he didn't open any doors."