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Europa Trauma - Looking for a "Active" Host

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:58 am
by Altera
Hello, my name is Altera and I am the current manager of Europa Trauma. The previous manager, Marine Enginner, had been put into a dense situation which eventually lead to self-demoting himself, leaving me in charge of the management and well-being of the server.

As of now, our server is currently very inactive due to our previous host taking his leave after a confrontation with said old manager. However, I want to restore this server to it's former glory.

We of ET are looking for a active host to host our server. (Individuals with coding knowledge are also welcome and actually we'd be extremely honored to have such an individual among our staff.)

If you are interested, please send a PM to Altera or a online staff member and we will be extremely glad to speak with you. ^_^

You will find the link to our Discord server below.

The link to our Discord is:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and we look forward to working with anyone who may be interested.

- Altera, Current Manager of Europa Trauma