Wormholes in ruins

So the Precursors (what I’m calling the Aliens cause i don't know the name (enjoy the Subnautica reference)) are a pretty advanced race, but what doesn’t make sense is the complete lack of docking ports anywhere. So i thought what if they used teleportation? Currently theres large rooms with nothing in them in the ruins (this may have changed in closed alpha) so i thought why not stick one way unstable wormholes in them. How thy would work is that they would teleport they player to a random spot on the map (not in any areas where its impossible to escape). Also They would slowly suck up items and as you get closer the suction gets stronger until theres no escape. The wormholes would have a slightly larger chance to teleport you onto your own sub or in a outpost because “the human mind has a slight influence over the fabric of reality... Blah Blah Blah” (i really think it would just be funny to teleport in on your friend murdering some one else). This opens up a plot line of the character trying to scavenge enough wormhole tech to build a portal of his own to find out where the precursors went.
Just your average drug addicted Medic