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Another set of suggestions to improve basic gameplay (mainly single player)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:36 am
by charlypizzas
- Ctrl + right click = quick transfer, its way more comfortable than double click and more commonly use in most games
- Be able to check what resources mineable rocks drop when click on them instead of having to mining them a having on inventory, there a lot of rocks and learning the names of every rock and what item can be harvest from them its quite overwhelming
-More history on the orders given to a npc or maybe even prioritizing jobs example: 1-Repairing systems, 2-Fix holes in the sup, 3-Refuel the reactor
-Npcs should be less passive when stress situation fixing systems and patching holes on the sup instead of just swimming around
-Npc should fire on sight when enemies on board also they should report them immediately
-Be able to check what can be build from material on the fabricator when clicking on them, also be able to keep scrolling and checking other items when the fabricator is running instead of waiting for it to finish
-Stacks of 5 for harvest materials but rocks and plants still needs one slot (also for ammo, 1 revolver bullet per slot)