Some ideas relating to damages and damaging

Most of what I'm about to list will be mostly related to multiplayer and player to player interaction but I suppose some of it will apply to singleplayer too.

1. Buffed security

The ability for security (or all people) to grab a person when non-stunned. Perhaps not being able to drag them but hold in place. Whilst doing so security can frisk the person to show their inventory (like when cuffed), perhaps small items like screwdrivers, detonators and such have a chance not to show up, where multiple frisks would be a safer option, but when you are just examining the crew perhaps it may slip past a guard.

The ability to lock cuffs, as it stands anyone can remove handcuffs at the moment, it leads to many annoying situations where people being cuffed (for a reason or not) cry out for help to fellow crewmembers to uncuff them. This is annoying as absolutely anyone can do so, and take the cuffs for themselves, on most subs there is a small amount of them aboard. With the option to lock cuffs they should be able to be removed without keys somehow, like having someone else use a plasma cutter to tear them off.

Third, a reworked way for the harpoon gun to work, currently as it stands over 50 weapons skills allows you to shoot in a straight line always, its not hard to aim straight and there is 0 reason a spear would shoot out at 30 degrees from the muzzle. The way I think would be nice is firstly the need to add compressed air to the harpoon, either adding to the muzzle velocity or requiring it to work, perhaps harpoon guns should also have a barrel slot on them, weapons skill would automatically place a new harpoon into it, whereas less experienced would have to do it manually, which would take more time to fire a full magazine of spears.

I also thought an idea of being able to "aim" the harpoon gun (with enough weapons skills(?)) would be cool.
When aiming, a cone would be simulated or whatnot like on the pic, as you hold the aim button the cone would get smaller and change from the red initial cone to green and blue. Whilst in the red cone and aiming the harpoon gun fires at angle in it, or not at all. As it reaches a smaller angle damage goes up (or not, whatever) as you aim for vital organs. Perhaps whilst aiming vision would change to the cone or some sort of diving suit type (where you are focusing onfront of you only) to show you are aiming, or show the cone.

2. Knocking out and stunning

Being able to knock people out with blunt weapons (wrench, unpowered baton, perhaps c4 when not lethal) would be pretty cool too, as you get closer to being more knocked out you begin to be dazed, where your screen either blurs or starts to scramble with white noise, making it harder to notice whats going on, I couldn't really make a mock up of this happening as white noise doesn't really affect your ability to know whats going on, and I have no idea if the game engine would support blurring the screen.

I also thought stunning people could be improved a bit too, where when you are stunned you screen whites out, and if you are stunned enough, blacks out as you fall unconscious.
Again, Im not a creative genius and it could clearly be done better, but you get the general idea. Perhaps hitting walls hard could also daze/stun you as well, with safety/ballistic helmets being protection against.

3. Some weapons with already in use items

The spear (handheld) and screwdriver would both be obvious choices here, where spears do more damage and bleed and screwdrivers doing minor, with a chance to bleed.

4. Radio/Local chat

Something I believe would make the multiplayer experience miles better (not saying that I don't like it, I frequently host and not being able to play as I spectate moderate is somewhat annoying, the internet communities fault).

I have no idea on the radius talking should be, but I thought if radio chat gets implemented that it should only be displayed as either; Radio: [chathere] or Radio[Channel]: [chathere], with all chat coming out as a continuous stream, so to effectively make use of it, you would have to first identify yourself, and then make a clear finish. "X here finished repairing breach over Y the front room just flooded over". Where not doing so would end up as "finished repairing the breach the front room flooded". Which could end in disaster as messages get mixed (which of course is fun).

Whatever happens, im loving Barotrauma so far. Keep up the great work Regalis (and that new guy you were talking about)

Re: Some ideas relating to damages and damaging

To the idea of "focusing" when aiming: I think its a great idea, yet there is one problem:

The time it needs to focus.
If it would be like two seconds, then it would be no problem, yet when it takes longer, and you probadly become slower so you can focus, your "prey" already found you aiming and is running away and tells everyone else what you are trying to do (traitoring, probadly), because they somehow have eyes in their back and could see you. Another restriction of the line of sight, so you can only see whats infront of you, would "fix" that "issue".

To number two: The white flash when you get stunned is a cool idea, yet i think that you should only be able to "see" it when you are looking at it (because again, you cant see something what you arent looking at, humans dont actually have eyes in their back) and as the is mostly because of the noise, there should be a high pitched "peeeeeeeeeeeep" and everything else should be more quiet, when you are affected by the stun.
And also: being able to be stunned after a few hits with a blunt weapon (or even one hit when you get struck from behind) would make it very interesting. Also, if you are stunned, you shoudnt be able to use the chat.
Maybe you could even use duct tape (which you apply to the face slot) to again, silence them without killing somebody. (or even use duct tape on their legs to hinder them from running, or the body to hinder them from using them.)

I'm Frost.

Re: Some ideas relating to damages and damaging

Frostdemon727 wrote:To the idea of "focusing" when aiming: I think its a great idea, yet there is one problem:

The time it needs to focus.
If it would be like two seconds, then it would be no problem, yet when it takes longer, and you probadly become slower so you can focus, your "prey" already found you aiming and is running away and tells everyone else what you are trying to do (traitoring, probadly), because they somehow have eyes in their back and could see you. Another restriction of the line of sight, so you can only see whats infront of you, would "fix" that "issue".

To number two: The white flash when you get stunned is a cool idea, yet i think that you should only be able to "see" it when you are looking at it (because again, you cant see something what you arent looking at, humans dont actually have eyes in their back) and as the is mostly because of the noise, there should be a high pitched "peeeeeeeeeeeep" and everything else should be more quiet, when you are affected by the stun.
And also: being able to be stunned after a few hits with a blunt weapon (or even one hit when you get struck from behind) would make it very interesting. Also, if you are stunned, you shoudnt be able to use the chat.
Maybe you could even use duct tape (which you apply to the face slot) to again, silence them without killing somebody. (or even use duct tape on their legs to hinder them from running, or the body to hinder them from using them.)
I would suggest that if the idea did get put in, that focus time would be related to weapons skill, so security would be able to fully focus in 2 seconds or less. Apon further thinking I realise that the whole cone idea totally goes against me saying harpoons coming out at an angle is stupid, and if that gets removed there wouldn't really be a point to focusing, unless it done more damage (which doesn't reaaallly make sense).

I love your ear ringing noise when stunned, I can't believe I didn't think of that. It could also be used when you are near any explosion too, or even cooler, if you get exposed to extreme amounts of pressure and survive. Although I don't know if pressure would really make your ears ring, but I'm sure it would damage your ear somehow