Question about Multiple Traitors

So following the unused example that already is in the traitormissions I tried to create a simple two player mission, but it doesn't want to start the mission, even if I try to force it by command.
The code is the following

Code: Select all

<TraitorMission identifier="2Player">

    <Role id="t1" />
    <Role id="t2" />

    <StartInfoText id="traitor2traitorsintro" />

    <Objective roles="t1,t2">
      <EndMessageFailure id="traitormissionfailuremessage"/>
      <EndMessageSuccess id="traitormissionsuccessmessage"/>
      <StartMessage id="traitor2traitorshorn"/>
      <Goal type="finditem" identifier="horn" preferNew="false" allowNew="true" allowExisting="true" allowedContainers="mediumsteelcabinet, mediumwindowedsteelcabinet, steelcabinet">
        <InfoText id="traitor2traitorshornhint"/>
Any ideas why the mission won't start?