Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello, Blue Mist 860 here. A fellow lover of scp for at least a year now. I became familiar with the game first, before discovering the official wiki that it's based on.
I still remember when it was in VERY early stages of development, back when there were only a very small handful of rooms and just 173. There wasn't even a way out yet; no gate a or b. You just aimlessly wandered around until he got you.

Needless to say it has come a LOOONG way since then. I've been trying to be sure that I stick with the updates as they come. As of the most recent update, I'm counting at least 33-36 scps! That's a lot. I'm also familiar with the 'Box of Horrors' mod, which I hope will eventually be implemented fully in one of the future updates. I know that at least 3 of the scps from the 'Box of Horror' mod are in it already; and I do much enjoy the clipboard mod. It's quite handy. :wink:

Although, I hope scps: 020, 009, 409, 038, and 005 will eventually make an appearance as they are the other scps from 'Box of Horrors'. Now, I can probably see 020, 009, and 409 maybe getting buggy and having the rooms be slightly to speak. I know when I played 'Box of Horrors', those particular rooms; especially 009 tended to make the game crash if I tried to enter them. Maybe that'll be fixed in one of the future updates if they do get added in the updates.

All the same, I don't see it being too problematic for 038 and 005 at least. They weren't nearly as buggy. 038 didn't appear during my playthrough, but I probably just have to play a different map seed to find the room.

As it is, in the current version 1.2.2 (I'm aware that 1.2.3 is out, but 1.2.2 is the most current update I have downloaded); I had to use the map creator to put 205's room into the map and then play the map seed I created for it, because the room just wasn't appearing.

My problem with the map creator though is when it's open, I can't adjust the size of the window to make it slightly smaller. The bottom of it hangs below my computer's start bar and I can't check in the room event boxes because the start bar is in the way. I want to be able to check off the event boxes for the butt ghost, 1048-A, and 1048 in the room3pits area where he gives you a drawing. But I can't reach them. >:/

But oh, well. Anyways, There's really not too much to say about myself. I like to read, write stories, draw, and whatnot. Admittedly, game designing/programming isn't one of my strongest suits. Math was never one of my strongest subjects in school either. I was more advanced in literature/writing than I was in any of the other subjects.

I really would like to be able to add stuff to the game myself, but I'm struggling with how to do it. I want to be able to at the very least add more documents, even if the scps entailed in them don't appear. As it is, in the items folder of the version I have, there are a couple of documents that; despite being in the items folder for it; don't end up appearing in the game. Like the documents for 914 and 038 (despite the fact that 038 isn't in the update) and the Modular Site Project document. Now, I can understand 038's document and Maynard's note regarding 005 not being in the game. But at the very least shouldn't the document for 914 and the Modular Site Project document show up?

I was also curious about something else as well. In the GFX folder, there is also a folder for screens regarding the goofy little computer screens you can find in certain rooms. S-com chat screens or something like that. From what I counted there are 15 in the folder. But I can only find 14 in the game. Where do you find the S-com chat screen for Rosewood? I can't find it in any of the rooms in the game.

But yeah, I want to be able to add more documents and what all, but I'm having trouble figuring out the source coding. According to what I've been reading through on the forum, you have to fiddle around with the source coding in order to add or change things in the game. I even downloaded Blitz3D to try and help with that.
I'm still trying to figure it all out. Like I said, math and coding/programming/etc., are not my best suit. But I'm going to have to keep trying I guess. I'll figure it out eventually.

Re: Introduce yourself thread

undead003 wrote:Those tags lost their humorous value long ago... regardless, I can't tell you how to use them.
What the :REDACTED: did you just :EXPUNGED: say about me, you little :REDACTED: ? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the MTF, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on :EXPUNGED: , and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in :REDACTED: and I’m the top sniper in the entire :EXPUNGED: . You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the :REDACTED: out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my :EXPUNGED: words. You think you can get away with saying that :REDACTED: to me over the Internet? Think again, :EXPUNGED: . As we speak I am contacting my :REDACTED: across the foundation and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re :REDACTED: dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the :EXPUNGED: and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable :REDACTED: off the face of the continent, you little :REDACTED: . If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your :EXPUNGED: tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will :REDACTED: fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re :REDACTED: dead, kiddo.

Am I funny yet?

Re: Introduce yourself thread

yonzo_rikuo wrote:hi my name is jemery but ive \ called a lot of thing um.. im not sure what to say because are a lot of thing si lick and i cant not them all without making a long post but what was i oh yeah my name is jemery but i dont reallyunderstand scp and wanted to help out fixing bugs and helping people fix bugs like the were 173 scp has teleporting through walls is that a feature anyway i mean if its a bug did reg add the bug in the first place bugs but anyway, i dont think i need to say outside of im a great user who is knew tothis forum and scp i scp even if foundation doesnt accept me for some reason they dickholes or something, but um yeah