Re: Dev Topic #4

GIMLI_2 wrote:
FrostyHoneyJuice wrote:Regalis, will you release this game on Steam? Just wondering. :MTF2:
markiplier suggested that too. it would get much more attention, and i would even pay for it if it's not free :)
You're wrong. Regalis said that he wants to make this game free after release. (I know, it's still free, lol)
And yes, I know that Markiplier said it. :wink:
Some people in his video (in the comment section) actually said that Steam's community will post something bad about this game. I don't know what, but I don't think so cause there is a lot of "let's players" playing it. Everyone just loves it. :!:

P.S. Sorry for my bad language. :doubt:

Re: Dev Topic #4

Oh dear, the discussion about releasing SCP - Containment Breach on Steam, you know the SCP Foundation community will RAGE if there was an SCP Based game on Steam, even if it's free.
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(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Dev Topic #4

5090guh wrote:Oh dear, the discussion about releasing SCP - Containment Breach on Steam, you know the SCP Foundation community will RAGE if there was an SCP Based game on Steam, even if it's free.

Re: Dev Topic #4

hug0905 wrote:Oh dear, the discussion about releasing SCP - Containment Breach on Steam, you know the SCP Foundation community will RAGE if there was an SCP Based game on Steam, even if it's free.
Please explain to me why they would rage if someone released a free SCP game on Steam. Please do. I want to know where that logic came from. It's not like Regalis is claiming to own SCP, so they're not gonna be like "OH DIS GUY RELEASED A GAME GRR ROAR HRBFVJKRBMNVF RAGE". As much as I am against putting the game on Steam, you made little sense with your statement. Again, I'm not trying to be an ass. I'm just wondering where you aquired this logic.
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Re: Dev Topic #4

Well, D-9999... to you it might not make sense but to me it made perfect sense.
Before Regalis could put it onto a large gaming platform he would need to make sure that all the Authors of the currently used SCPs are fine with their work being used in a more public way.
If one of them strongly disagrees then the SCP would have to be removed or replaced. It's intellectual property after all.

I'm not being an ass either, but you need to look at it from a legal standpoint as well.
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