Re: Dev Topic #4

Juicy wrote:I feel bad for Regalis, he spent a lot of time working on this and the forum is full of people whining about bugs like if they were something intentional :|

I actually love this update and most of the bugs I found are minor annoyances
impossible game is minor annoyance.

all hyperbole aside, SCP-939 is pretty cool. But I must ask, where IS corpse.jpeg used? I always thought it would be used in the room3storage with SCP-939. I heard a guy screaming from there, so I assumed they just killed a guy. But apparently he's supposed to be outside SCP-970???

HOLY FUCK. docStrange.jpeg
it says black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white black white gray
Last edited by That Same Anon on Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card

Re: Dev Topic #4

That Same Anon wrote:
Juicy wrote:I feel bad for Regalis, he spent a lot of time working on this and the forum is full of people whining about bugs like if they were something intentional :|

I actually love this update and most of the bugs I found are minor annoyances
impossible game is minor annoyance.

all hyperbole aside, SCP-939 is pretty cool. But I must ask, where IS corpse.jpeg used? I always thought it would be used in the room3storage with SCP-939. I heard a guy screaming from there, so I assumed they just killed a guy. But apparently he's supposed to be outside SCP-970???
I've seen a bunch of files like that. Perhaps I've just not been fortunate enough to come across them in game yet.

Re: Dev Topic #4

I had to pull my head out the ceiling i jumped so high after bullying around scp-066. :shock: wrong time to be wearing headphones...
That Same Anon wrote: I heard a guy screaming from there, so I assumed they just killed a guy.
That was actually it spotting you and attacking you.

Re: Dev Topic #4

Regarding Bugs. Nothing serious but if you look to high the MTF models will disappear. Also, work needs to be done on the guards speaking to you when you leave the cell.
Also, Is Intranet spelled wrong?
Last edited by LORD DEATH on Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: Dev Topic #4

I really really really wanna play this new version, but for some reason I've been getting GODAWFUL fps on every release for quite some time now (seriously, it plays at, like, 6 to 13 fps at MOST). My computer can run Skyrim on near maximum settings just fine, so I really don't understand why this happens. Does anyone knows how to improve the fps of the game? I've already trying starting it windowed, on lower resolutions, with different drivers... all to no avail =/
Creator of SCP-345, SCP-700, SCP-860 and SCP-966.

Re: Dev Topic #4

FrostyHoneyJuice wrote:
Mirocaine wrote:GOD, when did this game get so freaking hard??
Objective 3: Find 914 and upgrade Level 2 Keycard on "Fine" to level 3 (any other refinements or setting on "very fine" result in a mastercard, which is useless)
Mastercard? Really dude? You gotta be kidding me. Read this:
There is a way to get Omni card and there is also a way to turn Mastercard AND Playing card into the Key card.

I thought that you know this already. Apparently you don't.
1. Don't be mean to the sexy Mirocaine
2. Putting the Level 2 keycard on very fine varies BETWEEN the omnicard and mastercard
3. YOU read the wikia page before posting
4. Mirocaine has not played SCP:CB in a while, so no need to be rude to him

Oh yeah, i almost forgot, that SCP:CB Wiki is oboslote now, it is now being taken over by communist Wikia Staff and Members, making it another crappy Fan-wiki, here is the new link for the offical SCP:CB Wiki:
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Dev Topic #4

Juicy wrote:
Enma Ai wrote:I really really really wanna play this new version, but for some reason I've been getting GODAWFUL fps on every release for quite some time now (seriously, it plays at, like, 6 to 13 fps at MOST). My computer can run Skyrim on near maximum settings just fine, so I really don't understand why this happens. Does anyone knows how to improve the fps of the game? I've already trying starting it windowed, on lower resolutions, with different drivers... all to no avail =/
Are you using Windows 8?
Nope, Windows 7.
Creator of SCP-345, SCP-700, SCP-860 and SCP-966.