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Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:42 am
by MrGuilkeyFace
^ This

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:47 am
by Destructoid
I support Answer42's opinion. Also, does anyone have Linux and Team Fortress 2? I want the item.

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:48 am
by Tomgrakk
answer42 wrote:Not tryin to sound like an ass or anything, but I would rather that others not try decide for me when and who I am going to work with, I have no issues with working with Regalis and no issues with releasing the source so that it can be read and modded and kept free. However, I do not like this very much, I feel as if it is being decided for/without me that I would just start working with this person and on top of that how I am going to do it. I am aware that it is sometimes wise to use existing things, but there's a reason that people "reinvent the wheel", eg it didn't fit the criteria that the developers wanted or they wanted more control of the innards or whatever, if I used an already existing game engine I would probably end up using CryENGINE 3 [it is a very nice engine and even has scalability]. I do not like the idea of Ogre3D at all, and Unity I do not like nor will I probably ever use it. [can't remember why, but I had my reasons for the opinion and will therefor stick with it till I find a reason to change my opinions, regardless of whether or not I remember my original reasons.]
I don't think anyone's implied that you do not have a choice. I put forward the idea that my bro might be able to help with the conversion, he said he wasn't interested and instead gave a few suggestions on alternatives that could be used. Nobody's forcing you to take what he's said to heart or work with him (He doesn't even want to work on the project, so that outcome is an impossibility to begin with).

I'm sorry if it came across as you being forced against your will, that's the last thing we want to do.

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:15 am
by BJFowLer
Nice too see someone's working on this. Where would you find the download may I ask?

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:47 am
by Destructoid
Probably answer42's website, it's under his avatar.

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:10 am
by MonocleBios
On an unrelated note, how is OpenGL with SFML answer42?
I've only used OpenGL somewhat with SDL so I'm wondering if SFML follows through with its more OOP design with OGL as well.

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:46 am
by answer42
What you see with the current executable [as long as I'm not spacing] is basically the extent of SFML's OpenGL coverage, it has texture objects and can set OpenGL settings for a window [plus a few other things I think], but that's about it, I'm probably gonna have to write some header files with possibly some functions to wrap up some tedious tasks among other things, honestly and unfortunately, I haven't touched OpenGL yet, I've been tryin to figure out what I'm gonna do for the scalable multi-threading [as I said on my blog, Intel's threading building blocks is looking appealing, its available for OS X, Linux, and Windows, and is much more complete and thought out than what I'd probably write]

EDIT: forgot to mention it, but SFML uses texture objects to create images. and thats assuming you don't plan on editing the picture and then displaying it again, cause that requires an additional class too.

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:34 pm
by mrpeanut188
answer42 wrote:EDIT: forgot to mention it, but SFML uses texture objects to create images. and thats assuming you don't plan on editing the picture and then displaying it again, cause that requires an additional class too.
Sounds like a pain, Hope you come through and finish.

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:03 am
by Felix-The-Ghost
Hey everyone. I've been lurking here for a little while and reading all the SCP-<num> articles. I even downloaded SCP-087B but haven't finished it yet :P

SCP-087B works great for me but for some reason SCP:CB works until I start the actual game and have to pick up the paper. The graphics freeze for me, yet the actual game logic continues so I can walk around/pick up the paper. I can hear the music too, which is really good. On my first attempt at the game I managed the read the paper in time to spawn the guard and from the conversation I heard I can assume I was gassed and died :P

I've had success expanding upon/fixing bugs for an open-source OpenGL C++ game that I won't mention specifically so I don't sound like I'm advertising in my first post. Point is I look forward to this port as I am pretty C++ savvy :P

Re: SCP: Containment Breach C++ Conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:08 am
by Destructoid
Nice, inquire with answer42 to see if you can help. Welcome!