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Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:55 pm
by 106phobia
People have been talking about ways to safely distract the MTF for a while. The most common idea is to implement rare flash grenades into the game, which I can totally go for.

But SCP-539 (The Perfect Distraction) would be such a useful and cool item to use against the MTF. The player would simply toss the coin and run by everyone as they're sufficiently distracted by a random event caused by the SCP. Of course, the ensuing chaos caused by it would have to be within the game's limits. I doubt a bull shark or a mob of komodo dragons would be easily implemented into the game. So perhaps every time you throw the coin, a simple distraction like a fire alarm or loud noise could occur, catching the MTF's attention.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:54 am
by A Hideous Beast
Dunno where to post it, But I thank Regi for implementing 049 in just about the exact way I suggested (very early in this thread) I fucking flipped out and got all giddy when I found out about him in the update!

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:25 pm
by Sketter1337
Juicy wrote:
106phobia wrote:
People have been talking about ways to safely distract the MTF for a while. The most common idea is to implement rare flash grenades into the game, which I can totally go for.

But SCP-539 (The Perfect Distraction) would be such a useful and cool item to use against the MTF. The player would simply toss the coin and run by everyone as they're sufficiently distracted by a random event caused by the SCP. Of course, the ensuing chaos caused by it would have to be within the game's limits. I doubt a bull shark or a mob of komodo dragons would be easily implemented into the game. So perhaps every time you throw the coin, a simple distraction like a fire alarm or loud noise could occur, catching the MTF's attention.
Heh, that would be a nice way to fix the problem with the lovely MTF
Exactly. MTF's can be real annoying from time to time. It would be nice to slip past them.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:34 pm
by thekill9714

Idea Well I think it may be cool if you needed to look around for stuff and you have a time limit and this stuff will make the blue key that could go away when going into the room and when reused on where the door was it will open to a new area in the site where I'm not fully sure but it will give the player maybe a gift of some type for living past all of that

the time limit is short but not too short and is not shown by any timer but rather the fog gets less thick and you see creepy eyes not human far out but they don't come for you and picking up parts to the key will make the fog thicker if your time runs out the fog will be gone and other than the eyes
you see the full body of monster as it rushes at you even faster than 096 and the only way to stop it then is get all the parts and run for the door

The parts can be put into one part to take up less inv when picked up and will also have the player not having to worry about anything like crafting when the parts just form back into the key each part you get now how many parts you will need I don't know maybe the highest number on the key?

The door can be placed maybe in a office or by the start but can't be used till finding the key giving player something to do at the start other then get the items there and watch the intro


Maybe SCP-682 can make a major hole in a part of the building that the player can use but must try to evade SCP-682 and keep out of sight as the helis fire out it maybe if he waits too long there can be 3 new endings 1 they contain SCP-682 and kill the player or he gets killed by SCP-682 and audio is played talking about it

How he can live past it over time SCP-682 will make a new hole that the player can go out of to a wide open area or a part of the site that he needs to use to open a new gate Gate C with the hole idea the Foundation will be worrying about SCP-682 to care about the escaping prisoner and he runs off into the green woods
and a audio tape plays about how they think he died and his body can't be found in site

but we will all know that he did not die and that he lived on the first good ending for him

now if he needs to open gate C SCP-682 will get out even more and far out the player can hear alarms do to The SCP foundation getting everyone out of any place near and by near they are a nice amount away so the alarms are not to load but SCP-682 is something major then you will hear a sound behind you
and like in gate As
ending CI is here and you know to much to be killed by The Foundation

none of that even needs to have SCP-682 free roaming he can be just turning and doing patterns like a boss in the end of a game

And last SCP-093 no i'm not saying add it I just think it need to be talked about more in the game

I hope you can maybe use some of my ideas thanks

I also have other ideas for glitch fixing killing yourself and firearms I hope you can take a look at them thanks once more

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:41 pm
by AnonyMouse
Buttons wrote:
106phobia wrote:People have been talking about ways to safely distract the MTF for a while. The most common idea is to implement rare flash grenades into the game, which I can totally go for.

But SCP-539 (The Perfect Distraction) would be such a useful and cool item to use against the MTF. The player would simply toss the coin and run by everyone as they're sufficiently distracted by a random event caused by the SCP. Of course, the ensuing chaos caused by it would have to be within the game's limits. I doubt a bull shark or a mob of komodo dragons would be easily implemented into the game. So perhaps every time you throw the coin, a simple distraction like a fire alarm or loud noise could occur, catching the MTF's attention.
Or you could make an SCP appear. Throw the coin and suddenly the lights will go out and SCP-173 will appear or SCP-106 will suddenly dissolve his way through a wall or something forcing the MTF to worry about the SCP.
What about something that sounds like 096 screaming, so they would start running away, without actually being in danger of it.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:49 pm
by scpharrisee
There have been discussions already about this, but why not scp 035? There could be an event when you walk outside its containment chamber and you hear two D class personnel (honestly, there are already so many events with guards and we need to see other D class personnel as survivors in the facility). Anyways, you would hear a dialogue inside 035's chamber, standing from outside of course:

D class #1: You sure it's safe to hide in here?
D class #2: It's just a f*cking mask man, calm down...
D class #1: Wait, I heard something outside! Go check!
(click click)
D class #1: The door's locked!
D class #2: I HAVE TO PUT IT ON!

then the door would unlock, and inside would be one decomposed corpse and a semi-decomposed D class personnel with 035 on his face. this entity would be alive and walk up towards you, talking as if possessed by 035 (not sure what its purpose would be: kill you, help you, leave you alone??)

Another cool thing would be to have the containment label for 035's chamber flicker with changing images of 035, as in Foundation lore all images of him change as the facial expression of the mask changes.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:17 pm
by Trialtrex21
Cadethen wrote:What about SCP-425? I just made him up (is that allowed?).
We did not create The SCP Foundation, nor will we allow non-canon SCPs to be put into the game.

Heres where you can find The SCP Foundation Wiki:
Cadethen wrote: Also, are you a mod, or dev?
Mods have green names and Administrators have red names. Regalis is currently the only full-time developer of the game.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:37 pm
by Sketter1337
I feel like we need to make a Safe(Easy) - Euclid(Medium) - Keter(Hard) mode. It definatly would help.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:03 pm
by 106phobia
Sketter1337 wrote:I feel like we need to make a Safe(Easy) - Euclid(Medium) - Keter(Hard) mode. It definatly would help.
Eh. I personally don't think we need an easy mode. I just want the MTF touched up a bit and a map that's slightly easier to navigate.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:16 am
by Sketter1337
106phobia wrote:
Sketter1337 wrote:I feel like we need to make a Safe(Easy) - Euclid(Medium) - Keter(Hard) mode. It definatly would help.
Eh. I personally don't think we need an easy mode. I just want the MTF touched up a bit and a map that's slightly easier to navigate.
Well how about a Keter mode?