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Does containment Breach give ya a virus, or could it?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:25 pm
by TNTWitherKingThe1st
Hello! I have been watching videos on this game and I have been wanting to get it. The only thing that is stopping me is that my older brother refuses to let me get the game because he thinks it might give our computer a virus. He does this to any game that is not on steam so is there a way to convince him of it not being harmful?

Re: Does containment Breach give ya a virus, or could it?

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:50 pm
by PlsDont
It doesnt.......If it would it wouldnt be as popular as it would be now and popular youtubers wouldnt have played it.......Just tell your bro it is so popular and it has been made made by a trusted developer....And if he still says anything like:Its still not from Steam so dont install it! Then,tell him the developer also created a game called Barotrauma which IS on Steam,so.....