A Couple Of Ideas For The Radio

After a while of playing SCP:CB there has one thing in the game that hadn't been receiving a lot of attention regarding updates, aside from maybe a few stations to choose from, all of which have differences between each other and resemble either different sections in the area or what I can only describe as elevator music with pre-recorded messages thrown into the mix, there is really no need to carry around the radio with the exception of eventually hearing somebody on the other end after disabling the remote door control system (only for them to be caught by SCP-106).

So what CAN the radio be useful for?

Considering how most of the other channels have no other purpose, there is room for some additional features on the radio.

1. This is perhaps an unlikely idea considering SCP-079 probably has no possible input (or at least I'm not sure) to the radio, this idea might not work. If SCP-079 were to make an appearance on nearly every monitor you come by, why not through a radio station as a voice unknown to any newcomer who might not know who this SCP is. Seeing how desperate SCP-079 is to prevent you from touching the remote door control system, this can perhaps be shown clearer through anonymous communication by providing the player with misleading directions AWAY from the electrical room and perhaps into a more unsuitable path through the facility which would most likely lead to death, If the channel '1' were to be the default when pulling it out and it's nothing but static, wouldn't that be a suitable radio station for this?

2. This idea is both a good and a bad idea, similar to discovering there is (or was) somebody out there before being caught by SCP-106, why not give the player an objective through a voice providing instructions on where to go and what to do, this may make containing SCP-106 a lot easier to do for those who are oblivious on what to do and may add storyline to the game such as providing an explanation to the disappearance of Doctor Maynard, now for the reasons why an idea like this is both a positive and a negative addition to the game.

Good - Again, this provides a story to the game rather than leave the player confused on what he's doing and what is currently going on and can open up to a new possible ending (Gate C?) exclusively through following instructions given through the radio, this ending could perhaps be finding surviving Doctors or other Class-D personnel who have escaped during the containment breach, this could also open up to the idea of introducing more complicated SCPs which may require a lot of explaining on how to get passed them. This could also keep the player on the edge looking for batteries before they run out and have him left alone once more in the facility.

Bad - This may take away the horror aspect of the game, where the game is now makes the player feel hopeless and alone in a facility full of dangerous keter SCPs, leaving them afraid, panicking on what to do, adding other signs of life which aren't out there to kill you and insist helping you find a way out relieves the player and makes them feel more confident continuing on as long as they stay on the radio, almost like an 'easy mode'.

Unless anybody else has some ideas they'd like to throw in or perhaps feedback on these ideas, I'd like to personally hear them.

Re: A Couple Of Ideas For The Radio

SCP-500 wrote:I like the idea others had about numbers stations, they're creepy as heck, maybe they could hide a code in it for Dr. gears office.
I can't see that happening, considering the fact that there isn't anything behind Dr. Gear's door. The whole thing is most likely just an easter egg/reference.

Re: A Couple Of Ideas For The Radio

I do like the first idea quite a bit, hearing 079 on the radio leading remaining victims away from the electrical center and towards their death sounds pretty fitting. His speech mannerisms could be easily mistaken for a generic prerecorded message, so he could say things like "High intensity electrical surge detected, in, electrical center." or "All personnel report, precinct 3, heavy containment zone, for evacuation procedures." to trick the remaining personnel into thinking he is one. I could always whip up some more 079 sounds to test it out.

As for the second idea, me and another user here actually were making something for the radio with a very similar idea, I don't really want to say too much though.
It slep time bunner.

Re: A Couple Of Ideas For The Radio

The "good" suggestion is really nice, i would like to see like a way to response to the people who are talking to you, maybe something like a presets of response that you could use to talk to the other ones through the radio, this could perhaps serve as a way to unlock Gate C somehow. Maybe something like a chain of challenges given to you through the radio to unlock the new ending (?)
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: A Couple Of Ideas For The Radio

Soulzarath wrote:Nah. This would most likely lead to rage quit and a bad game reputation. Or people will just think it's broken. I don't like the idea.
Rage quit is for not being able to complete the game. The office won't stop them from their objective. Also, explain how mixed audio files might look like a broken game, because I am confused.