SCP Map Creator

As of v0.7.4, I've noticed we now have a map creator! :D

And let me just say, the idea of a map creator is quite Turbo-Tastic!

But I am curious: Would it be possible to include instructions of any sort? And, should we make our own map, how would we be able to play the maps on the game itself? :D
"Okay, he can't f~ing open doors, you're fine."
"Are you sure? He f~ing killed those guys." :173:
"Yeah, but he didn't open any doors."

Re: SCP Map Creator

Kraken Guard wrote:And, should we make our own map, how would we be able to play the maps on the game itself? :D
Save the map, then launch SCPCB, go to "new game" and click "load map".
Battery1320 wrote:* Elevators (Maintenance Tunnels and 049's tunnel) don't seem to work, but that's probably my lack of knowledge
You have to enable the events in those rooms to make the elevators work. Just select the room, tick the box next to the name of the event and set the probability to 1.0.

Re: SCP Map Creator

The map editor is really simple to use.

First off start the application which can be found in the file called "Map Creator". This will bring you to the app page.

Now you simple mess around and design your map, the hard part initially is figuring out what the rooms look like and how you want the base to look like. However thanks to the awesome Battery1320 he complied a list of the rooms, I'll put it below in spoiler tags for ease of use.
Lockroom -- Gas chamber with timed doors
173 -- Duplicate of SCP-173's chamber
Start -- Hallways from the intro sequence
endroom -- Big unnamed gate
Room012 -- Hallway with SCP-012
Room2 -- Plain two-way hallway
Room2C -- Plain corner
Room2Closets -- Starting hallway, with gas mask and batteries and two people getting killed by SCP-173
Room2doors -- Red hallway with several doors. Possible SCP-173 spawn
Room2Testroom2 -- Hallway with a room that contains a keycard and map
Room3 -- Plain three-way hallway with large metal cage
Room3_2 -- Plain three-way hallway with water pipes
Room4 -- Plain four-way hallway
Roompj -- SCP-372
914 -- SCP-914
008 -- SCP-008
coffin -- SCP-895
endroom2 -- Smaller, rarer unnamed gate
Testroom -- Chamber with SCP-682 document
Tunnel -- Metal two-way hallway
Tunnel2 -- Metal two-way hallway with SCP-173 spawn
Room049 -- Elevator that leads to SCP-049
Room106 -- SCP-106
Room2Ctunnel -- Metal corner
Room2Nuke -- The elevator that takes you down to the warheads
Room2Pipes -- Metal two-way hallway with cages and pipes on floor and ceiling. SCP-106 can run through here
Room2Pit -- Two-way catwalk with gas and possibly SCP-173
Room3Pit -- Two-way catwalk with large box near the center. Might have anomalous duck
Room2Servers -- SCP-096 and guard
Room2Tunnel -- Elevator that leads to Maintenance Tunnels
Room3Tunnel -- Metal three-way hallway
Room4tunnels -- Metal four-way hallway
exit1 -- Gate B
gatea -- Gate A
gatea entrance -- Gate A ending
Lockroom2 -- Bloody room with SCP-096
Room079 -- SCP-079
Room2z3 -- Office-style two-way hallway
Room2Cz3 -- Office-style corner
Room2Ccont -- Electrical center
Room2Offices -- Office room, giant SCP FOUNDATION logo on a wall
Room2Offices2 -- Office room, smaller with the desks a short few steps down
Room2Offices3 -- Office room, staircase leading to eyedrops
Room2Poffices -- Hallway with named office rooms (Dr. Gears, Dr. Manyard, ect.)
Room2SCPs -- Hallway with door that leads to SCP-714 and SCP-1025
Room2sroom -- Hallway with staircase that leads to a room with SCP-420-J
Room2Toilets -- Restroom hallway
Room2Tesla -- Tesla gate
Room3Servers -- Room filled with file cabinets
Room3Servers2 -- Alternate room filled with file cabinets
Room3z3 -- Office-styled three-way hallway
Room4z3 -- Office-styled four-way hallway
pocketdimension -- SCP-106's pocket dimension
Forest -- SCP-173's chamber with a large purple wall (might be a glitch)
As a tip, right click a room to delete it from the map. Good for correcting mistakes. Also to rotate a room you must first deselect any other rooms you have selected by hitting the Deselect button at the bottom of your screen, then click the room you want to rotate and drag in the direction you want it to face.

Also if you want a room to have an event occur and that room allows for events to occur, simply click the events button in the description box of a room you have selected, then you must select the probability of that event occurring when the player enters that room. So if you want a 100% of SCP-106 appearing in a room you would move the probability all the way until it shows 1.0.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: SCP Map Creator

I've yet to figure out how to make the pocket dimension work. I put it in the map, but when 106 grabbed me I was left with a black screen. I could still walk (the footsteps suggesting I was in the PD), but I couldn't see.

It's also worth mentioning that the map in the creator and the map in-game are swapped vertically. Say you make a three way hallway with the left door leading to 106's chamber and the right door leading to 914, 914 will be on the left and 106's chamber will be on the right in-game.