Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Playing on Keter, I got to the heavy containment sector (Keter-Euclid sector) with my level 3 keycard. Eventually had to go down to the maintenance tunnels as I had nowhere else to go.


Don't do that.

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

There is also a new room with Dr. L and the conference rooms.

Dr Maynard's office no longer requires a keycard.

The first room sometimes comes after a 3 way hallway.

The room where SCP-173 is behind some glass now needs a level 1 keycard.

SCP-173 just killed me out of nowhere.

Has anyone else got a crash when loading a save after dying?

But Regalis, Level 2 keycards and 914 still gets you the Omni.