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SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:11 pm
by danielmus
SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!
An SCP Thing by that new Danielmus/Pacey's Cat guy (Me)!

Greetings everybody!

This is my first thread ever on the SCP Containment Breach Forums! (I'm sorry for being a lurker for so long D:) I'd like to bring to light a little project i've been working on over the past 7 days.

First let me introduce myself!

My name is Daniel! ('Danielmus100' or 'Pacey's Cat' on YouTube) and I have been playing SCP: CB for around 3 years now! It has always been one of my favourite horror games and I have decided to finally have a go at my own recreation of it!
I am 15 years old so therefore I am really not the best with coding or anything, but i get by okay!

As a fun little project I have started recreating SCP Containment Breach on the Unity3D Engine (Which i'm sure you've all heard of). For now it will be an identical remake which if I ever finish may get expanded beyond. The game will contain all the areas of SCP Containment Breach (Probably won't have random generation i'm afraid D: I'm not sure :c) and will include some graphical improvements and tweaks! If I ever DO finish this, I will most likely go further and begin adding my own rooms, SCP's or events!

This is a video of what I have got so far! (Slightly dated as i've been working on it since)

You can follow the development of this game and get (weekly?) videos of what's new on my YouTube Channel! ... njcx66D8aA
So far there is no download (Since i don't think the game is in a very playable state in regards of content)

Here is what kind of look you can expect! (Well, really just screenshots of all i've got so far X3)

Intro Hallway!:
Intro Tunnels(Finished - Need Fine Tuning):
In memory of Dr. ██████
That other room I don't know the name of!:
All of these were created literally shape by shape in Unity3D (I have no idea how to use rmesh ;-;) and performance (On my PC at least) is still rather high after which!

Do not ask when a release will be please! As this is just a fun little project that I am working on in my spare time!

The Big List of TO-DO! so far
*Menu (Load, Options do not work as of yet, and no seeds :C)
*Music Added (Blue Feather and Menu Ambience)
*Blinking Script! (13.37 seconds ;))
*173 Script! (For some reason i did this very early!)
*Crouching/Running (With a lovely bobby head!)
*Add scripted PA Audio from intro
*Add ambient sounds/footsteps
*Stamina Meter
*Tear Gas!
*NPCs (Guards and shtuff!)

*Finish Intro Rooms
*Finish Inventory! (Currently non-interactive)
*Add the rest of the game! (Obviously! XD)
*That awesome lil hand thing that pops up to pick up an item!
*Udda SCP's!
*Optimize the game!
*Opening and Closing Doors!
*Posters on the walls.
So that's it so far guys! Apologies if i've done anything wrong and if this recreation is not allowed then that is completely fine! As said previously this is just a fun little project i decided to create to pay homage to one of my favourite horror games! (And i've played a TONNE of horror games (450+!)).

Thanks for reading and I hope you support my little project! c:

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:09 pm
by Brunou8
Once there was a project like this but was canceled, I hope it doesn't happen the same with yours. Good luck.

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:15 pm
by danielmus
Brunou8 wrote:Once there was a project like this but was canceled, I hope it doesn't happen the same with yours. Good luck.
I see :O Well i'll try my best then! Even if all it ends up as is a short version mainly consisting of the main rooms and 173! OP WILL DELIVER! Thanks!

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:16 pm
by juanjp600
That looks great! Don't worry if you're not sure if you can upload your work, I'm pretty sure Regalis would be okay with that as long as you don't charge money for it.

I know this is a WIP, but you might want to be careful with the polygon count, I can see that many surfaces that shouldn't be visible in the final product are being rendered.
Can Unity load files from external sources and create meshes at runtime? If so, creating an RMesh loader should be pretty easy. If not, maybe I'll write a small program to convert the files to something Unity supports.

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:21 pm
by danielmus
juanjpro wrote:That looks great! Don't worry if you're not sure if you can upload your work, I'm pretty sure Regalis would be okay with that as long as you don't charge money for it.

I know this is a WIP, but you might want to be careful with the polygon count, I can see that many surfaces that shouldn't be visible in the final product are being rendered.
Can Unity load files from external sources and create meshes at runtime? If so, creating an RMesh loader should be pretty easy. If not, maybe I'll write a small program to convert the files to something Unity supports.
Thank you! Ah i see! Well i'm definitely NOT charging money for it :D

Yeah i've been keeping a very close eye on the performance,

I have an
*AMD A8-5600k APU (3.6ghz)
*And a 750 Ti GPU
So far with all this and the shadows/post processing the game runs at a good 60-70fps still! I'll probably work on a system later that renders the world in sections so that far away stuff does not render!

Thanks for the kind words! Ah don't worry about the converter, please :) It's more fun creating the levels from scratch in my opinion, since this is a project to help me learn level creation too! Plus it means i get to add/change stuff if i need to. ;)

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:00 pm
by D-9999
I must say, this is looking amazing so far! I wish you the best of luck on this project, and I'm certain it will turn out great! :D

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:06 pm
by danielmus
D-9999 wrote:I must say, this is looking amazing so far! I wish you the best of luck on this project, and I'm certain it will turn out great! :D
Thank you very very much! That means a lot! :3 I'm working on the next room now so *hooopefully* i'll have the intro rooms done in a few days! :D

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:44 pm
by danielmus
Update #1!

So turns out the most recent room (The big one) needs a lot more optimization, THEREFORE! I will start recreating some of the models in Blender, that way they will only be one mesh when imported, think of it like furniture, taking some seperate bits of wood and sticking them together to make a chair! Hopefully this will increase performance due to less objects being rendered at once (Instead the 'seperate objects' will be merged into one mesh!

A good example of this is on these inner pillars in the large room:

As you can see the pillar at the moment is 3 cubes positioned differently, there are 7 of these in the room, which means that's 21 cubes the game has to render JUST for those pillars.

This is what i plan to do in Blender, merging the 3 cubes together means unity only has to render 1 object per pillar, thus decreasing the load on the game! Now if i apply this to other objects in the game, this will mean the full amount of objects the game will have to render will be decreased MASSIVELY!

I feel like a real game developer .3.

EDIT: Okay i just realized i'm an idiot, since there is 4 on one wall and 3 on the other, why not just merge THEM and make them just 2 objects all together?
SO! We just saved a total of 19 objects in a ridiculously small amount of time! And i managed to learn Blender in 15 minutes! :D

EDIT 2: Just used this strategy on the pillars and the stairs, overall the rooms performance has increased by about 40%!!! Happy days!

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:12 pm
by Theimperfectbeing
This project looks awesome so far! I can't wait for it!

Re: SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:19 pm
by danielmus
Theimperfectbeing wrote:This project looks awesome so far! I can't wait for it!
Thank you very much! Right this minute i'm attempting to optimize it a bit better in terms of verts, so that the game will run faster on low-end machines :3 Hopefully the intro area will be done this week! :D