UE4 Port that will be done right (recruiting)

Hey everybody, so this is my first post and I've done some looking around the forums and all I've noticed is a bunch of half-finished unity remakes that never got to fruition. I know we can all see it in our heads; this beautiful genius of a game on the next-gen engines. Let's make this happen. I have a relatively good amount of ue4 knowledge from my own projects and at least 5 years of maya/3dsmax experience. I'm seeking out others who can contribute to this

Re: UE4 Port that will be done right (recruiting)

Good luck with that.

With my experience at least, no one wants to help when there's literally nothing to show. All we have is your word and no proof that your word is fact. So your best bet, for the time being, is to go indie. People around here have seen too many projects similar to this go down hill, even the promising ones.
I'm a lead developer of the SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake. Check it out! You might enjoy it
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