Is this a bug or..what?

Hey guys! I have a question about something really weird that happened to me today.
I was playing 6.3, and then I foun 096 in it's lockroom. Okay, huh?
So, INSIDE THE LOCKROOM was that..little bastard.. 173. But the point is: It doesn't move.
096 seems to be in it's line of sight, and I blink a thousand times and 173 stills looking at 096 without moving a muscle(a muscle?).

Is this a bug or this is part of it?

Really,really sorry for my bad English, Brazilian dude here :} (And no,I don't laugh like "ahuheuaueu")

Re: Is this a bug or..what?

Serimah wrote:Hang on.... 173 and 096 are capable of recognizing each others presence in some way?
I dunno. I got really scared when I saw 173 and 096 in the same lockroom. But, 173 was staring at 096, and 096 was like "Don't move,I luv u statue" and I blinked a thousand times and it doesn't move.

So.. I believe yes, they recognize D: (at least, I think)