
I think that the idea of having achievements in the game would be a nice addition. It would add a lot to the replayability and make it more worth while to replay even after you beat the game.

You could make so that once the player beats the game there would be an achievement mode that will let you start collecting achievements. You could include another option on the main menu that would list all the achievements you got so far and the ones you don't have yet.

Written below are ideas for achievements that the player could obtain.

Achievement Ideas:

Radical Larry: Encounter SCP-106 in the hallway where he passes through both walls.

Give me a hug: Have SCP-173 appear directly in front of your face and survive.

Can't touch me: Blink while SCP-173 is in your sight and still survive.

Made you look: Enter SCP-096's containment chamber and look at his face.

Pro Dodge!: Run past SCP-096 while he's chasing you.

Larry on the Loose: Summon SCP-106 by entering SCP-895's containment chamber.

Computer Nerd: Die by looking at SCP-895's video feed.

Totally Safe: Smoke SCP-420-J.

Excuse me for a second: Smoke SCP-420-J in front of SCP-173

This looks safe: Die by putting yourself in 914

Trust talking Computers: Disable the Remote Control Door system for SCP-079.

Backstabber: As soon as SCP-079 opens Gate B, you turn off the remote control door system.

Just run dude: Enter 682's containment chamber.

Where'd it go?: Enter SCP-372's containment chamber.

Speedy Gonzales: Reach the other side of the Maintenance Tunnel.

Shocking: Lure SCP-106 through a tesla gate.

Hallway Simulator: Enter the Pocket Dimension.

Freedom!: Escape the Pocket Dimension.

Contain the Radical: Contain SCP-106

One card to rule them all: Obtain Keycard Omni.

Duck out of water: Encounter an Anomalous Duck.

Sounds like shit: Find SCP-789-J

Screw you!: Run past an MTF.

Bookworm: Obtain all documents.

Now I've seen it all: Enter every room in the Site.

The End: Reach one of the endings.

I knew I forgot something: Achieve the Gate B detonated warheads ending.

Ow my leg!: Achieve the Gate B disabled warheads ending.

To be continued...: Achieve the Gate A ending.

[REDACTED]: Achieve all three endings.

Larry on the Loose: Complete the game without encountering SCP-106.

Too lazy: Complete the game without sprinting.

Blinking at Intervals: Complete the game without ever manually blinking.

We need Dr. Clef!: Complete the game without ever getting wounded.

I thought it was just a clock: Complete the game without using SCP-914.

SCP-723-D: Complete the game without dying.

I'm invincible!: Die 10 different ways.

Who needs rules?: Use a console command.

Who needs logic?: Spawn an MTF in the Pocket Dimension while smoking SCP-420-J, wearing SCP-714, with a gas mask equipped while holding a radio set to channel 3.

Let them do the work: Get an MTF to start SCP-106's recall protocol.

Family Photo: Get SCP-173, SCP-106, SCP-096, SCP-372 and an MTF unit in the same room.

Dr. Bright would be proud: Complete the game on Keter difficulty.
Last edited by CommanderMark on Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:21 pm, edited 11 times in total.

Re: Achievements

:O I like this idea. Yes yes, please Regalis, please, add this achievements :)

(I love this one: Who needs logic?: Spawn an MTF in the Pocket Dimension while smoking SCP-420-J and wearing SCP-714. xD)

Edit: Well, I think achievements should be only unlocked when you beat the game

Re: Achievements

The achievements should be on the end of the game, like the ones there right now. I like them that way, they will never distract you midgame and also would serve a some kind of grade for your escape.

Also I think that achievements that require dying are the greatest inmersion breakers that you can find on games this days. Rewarding a player for dying is just counterproductive on a scary game like this one.
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.

Re: Achievements

The death achievements don't make sense though unless your playing on Euclid, save, kill yourself for the achievement -- then reload your save...
And you should never be able to dodge 096, btw; I'm not sure why he seems to randomly slow down to like 2.0 speed only in some peoples playthroughs, but for me he's always been at a lightning fast 5.0 speed.

I also like the idea of achievements not having names at the end, it helps add the the rather 'grave + serious' mood of the game.. although we do have Rubber Duckies, Cannabis and Butt ghosts after all.. perhaps some secret achievements should just have [REDACTED] for a name so players have to find them out throw experimentation.

Re: Achievements

Lusor1111 wrote:The achievements should be on the end of the game, like the ones there right now. I like them that way, they will never distract you midgame and also would serve a some kind of grade for your escape.
Lusor1111 wrote:Also I think that achievements that require dying are the greatest inmersion breakers that you can find on games this days. Rewarding a player for dying is just counterproductive on a scary game like this one.
If your going achievement hunting I think your already being counterproductive for a scary game.

Re: Achievements

Good idea, i got also some achievments here...

JUST SAY NO!: Smoke a Cigarrete.
GODDAMNIT: Try to craft Key Card Omni and recieve a Master card.
MONEY CAN'T DO SHIT!: Try to open a Door using Master Card.
YOUR KIDDING ME RIGHT?: Find SCP-106 while he is doing the ceilling animation.
WTF IM SUPPOSED TO DO HERE?: Enter SCP-372 chamber and stay 1 minute trying to find him.
DEUS EX MACHINA: Experiment SCP-914 With every item in the game.
IMMA KETER KING!: Flee from SCP-106 10 Times.
POCKET...uh...ah...where...Dimension:: While in the PD Use the Weed command.
ARE YOU SMOKING SCP-420-J?: Teleport to the Pocket Dimension.
THIS IS NOT MINE, I SWEAR!: Encounter the MTF and throw SCP-420-J away from your Inventory.
EGO SUM DEUS EX CAMERTEM: Finish the game (All Endings), on KETER dificullty.
IM SCREWED!: Get SCP-096 and SCP-173 in the same room.
OPEN GODDAMNIT!: While watching SCP-173 open and close a door 3 times.
SCPUMPKIN-173: Use the halloween command and get killed by SCP-173.
PUSSY! : Hear the suicide guard and find it's body on the ground.
BLINDCP-106: When SCP-106 Perform the Metal corridor "walk trough the walls" animation... Crouch and avoid been seen.
HERE WE GO AGAIN: get chased 2 times by SCP-106.
PURE LUCK: Escape The PD in the first try.
KNOWLEDGE IS GOLDEN: Read every single document and computer on the game.
NO LARRY'S ALLOWED: Reach the ending with no Encounters with SCP-106.
OVERPOWERED: get your inventory full of batteries.
WHAT NOW?: Complete all the endings, Get all the itens, get all achievments, Try all the cheat codes, See all the SCPs and get killed by the ones that can cause death, Finish both difficulties, Reach all the Anomalous Ducks.
Ego sum Deus Ex Camertem
In the end... there will be Pizza
None shall stop us
All problems can be solved, with an FLAMETROWER!1!

Re: Achievements

I like some of these and they're pretty funny, but honestly I think achievements in this particular game, especially named achievements (Even though some of them are pretty clever ;) ) will just distract and detract from the main purpose of the game: Surviving. Also, some of these are, at least in my opinion, a little too simple to be achievements. If they were ever added though, I'd rather it be more of an post beating the game feature, like daytime and $20 mode in Slender.
Battling the forces of evil and stupidity~
I admire the horror genre like I admire women: From far away with a pair of binoculars

Re: Achievements

I actually had fun reading through the achievements you listed. Although I think the game would do fine without them, I don't think that they would hurt the game if they were incorporated either. For some reason, the achievement idea reminds me of a Steam game. :?
Last edited by Stormy on Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Achievements

as achievements I wasnt refering to the achievements mentioned on this thread, the kind of achievements that would fit the game, in my opinion, would be a log of several remarkable actions ( like accesing scp, escaping and containing larry, colaborating with 076, evading the mtf, the keycards you had...) similar to how it is done now, but giving it the look of a foundation document.

Like others, I think that most of the achievements listed here are somewhat inmersion-breakers.
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.