Re: MODEL REQUESTS: SCP-650 = Black Statue.

I couldn't have said it better myself, McMento really has 650 down. I hadn't heard of him until this thread and, in my eyes, he was oozing potential. Not only will he scary the living crap out of most people (including myself), he leaves such mysterious feeling that the players wants to know about but just can't get it.

650 is just perfect, I really can't say much more. An SCP with such mystery is hard for myself to comprehend. Plus it fits in GREAT with the current atmosphere. Dark, mysterious, twisted, scary, unnerving.

Another thing that I can see people thinking is, "What does this thing want?" and "Is it trying to tell me something?". I'd better stop before I get to fired up, this is going to be an absolutely wonderful addition to Containment Breach and I'm immensely looking forward to it :)
Your Friendly Neighborhood Motivator

God is Love
(Look me up on Soundcloud! ^-^ )

Re: MODEL REQUESTS: SCP-650 = Black Statue.

And 650's model will look varkert! Another thing is we need 650's cell and have it empty somewhere in the facility. I dont thank there should be a note. I thank its better that the player dos not know what it is.
I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled and end up being perfect. It would have been trouble.

Re: MODEL REQUESTS: SCP-650 = Black Statue.

If 650 and 173 are in the same room, 650 could react in a few ways; He could just go about his normal business, ignoring 173; He could change his posture and position into one of fear or hatred towards 173, or my personal favourite; He could act like he and 173 are best buddies. Waving, putting his arm 'round 173's shoulder, cracking jokes (or it appearing to be that since he's always in freeze-frame). 173 wouldn't act out of the ordinary in 650's presence, it's just the black statue that would be friendly with the sculpture.

The last one's kinda silly I know, but it could give us more insight into the relationship between SCP objects (especially ones that seem mindless or single-minded).

Re: MODEL REQUESTS: SCP-650 = Black Statue.

chris0matic wrote:its awesome. but the neck is a bit to thin in my opinion.
Yeah, but i have a habit of making human figures too muscular and i already know if I thicken the neck I'm gonna end up making the whole model hulk-ish, and that's not how I picture him.

Re: MODEL REQUESTS: SCP-650 = Black Statue.

I actually think it is fine as a representation of the article so far. The article goes as far to call it a "stylized humanoid". So, I think it's quite fair to have certain aspects a bit exaggerated, such as the neck as of now.

On a different note, in its mechanics, I really do love the tone of the article. It's not intent on hurting you and just goes as far as to scare someone. Beyond that, I like how it has more personality, so to speak, than 173. When accommodated with its subjects, it seems much more interested in them, and it should in a way, 'befriend' them, or at least acknowledge that it's not an enemy of yours. I really do think it should stay in its chamber though, having a practically undeadly 173 roaming the facility would be most unscary and annoying. Perhaps on your way out, it would assume a waving goodbye post to you.
It slep time bunner.