Re: a quick suggestion

BJFowLer wrote:Go back and read the log. The sounds of the MTF screaming and yelling is said to be heard. Then the say the have to bug out.

They were opening the coffin. They state it's empty then they start screaming and yelling.
That's because those watching through the video stream were affected (the MTF units were not affected, they looked at it directly), recording the coffin causes that effect (having it open makes it worse), however watching it directly doesn't do anything, open or closed.

Re: a quick suggestion

03:48L - Command: Christ, it's moving… Team One, confirm, object appears to be alive and moving.
03:48L - T1Lead: … Command, negative, we see no movement. Object appears to be normal.
03:48L - T1Lead: Two, open it up.
03:48L - Sounds of weapons being readied, followed by creaking as object is opened.
03:49L - T1-2: Sir, it's empty.
03:50L - T1Lead: Command, One Lead. The object appears to be empty.
03:51L - T1Lead: Command, do you copy?
03:51L - Command: Sounds of screaming and retching.
03:51L - T1Lead: Command, do you copy?!
03:52L - T1Lead: Shit, we're bugging out. Close that thing!
Does this satisfy you? AS you can read, the ones dying were the command.
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.

Re: a quick suggestion

To set things right here.

The only people affected are those observing the SCP from a video/camera. The closer the camera is to the SCP the more hostile and bad the footage is. On the official article the image is a live surveillance feed outside the containment chamber, kept at a safe enough distance to be affected by the SCP, but for the affects to be tame.

Now back on topic.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: a quick suggestion

Lusor1111 wrote:And why should it happen when the whole point of 895 is to be completely mundane in person? The whole point of the article is making clear that 895 is perfectly normal unless seen through a camera.
I'm saying you have to have seen it via camera first for person to elicit effects in person.