Re: Model Requests

Juicy wrote: Good work, it has less holes but I've been testing it and I found a few, I'm going to send you a PM with some screenshots :)
Thank you for all of your help! I realize now that the optimization function simply was not intelligent enough to weld the vertices where the original elements of the 173 mesh came together. I went back to the original mesh and manually welded the vertices where the elements met before applying the multires (optimization) modifier, and the resulting mesh should be the same polycount as the one we are currently working on, but without any seams. Looking back I probably should have realized this earlier :) At any rate, here is the resulting mesh, which should be completely free of seams and have overall cleaner geometry

EDIT: Juicy pointed out a little texture oddity which arose after welding the vertices. The fixed model can be downloaded here

Re: Model Requests

I feel strange saying this, but I'm thinking about doing modeling. I'll be getting Blitz3D soon, however there was a recommendation from another user to use Blender3D which is free and looks very good. I'll be taking my knowledge from the help of other users and a book from the library on modeling with Blitz3D.

Help me out here?

Scratch that, I got Blender3D. Looks pretty good, I'll start getting to it.

Re: Model Requests

Hello. I represent a Russian-speaking mod-and-game-making community (Guild) Goblin Workshop. One of our members would like to improve graphics of the SCP-CB game in his skills may be very usefull for you. But his problem is that he doesn't speak English at all, so that's why I'm asking for him. If you still need any help in modelling - please, contact us on my Skype (Diazz0229) or my e-mail ([email protected]) and we'll discuss further cooperation in the spheres of modelling and, maybe, translating. Hoping to chat with you about that soon.

Re: Model Requests

MetroDelta wrote:
Gogert777 wrote:
Can this be used for anything?
Maybe for SCP-060-Alpha (,but in this case,we must find a place in the site, where you can find trees.
Good idea, I like the idea of putting the tree in the middle, and having some evnt cause the burning of the tree, hence the skeleton pursuing you.
The SCP Wiki wrote:It has proven capable of running at speeds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) in short bursts and leaping approximately 5 metres from a running start
Holy crap, kind of like SCP-096, though. In fact, very much like him, but far more interesting than SCP-096. I'd like to see that happen, but in due time. Perhaps someone else should check this out.

Re: Model Requests

Would you like for something to be done with the MTF and NTF?

I'm quite certain I could get them to walk properly and assume a firing stance instead of hip firing at you all the time.

I might also give the NTF a unique skin, a variant of the MTF suit. Something more "Splinter-Cell"-ish.
Now married.

SCP-999 C.L.I.C.K. H.E.R.E.

The best scp idea

I can see your game regails needs improvements i got some good ideas for your game

SCP-999 the tickle monster
SCP-999-chamber is a medium sized room with a pen with a gate entrance when you open the gate by clicking SCP-999 will approach you and start to make giggle noises and laughter.when it gets near you words that appear at the bottom will say you feel slimey (laughs).you keep on laughing till you fall on the ground and die by getting tickled to died words will say subject d-????? Was killed by being tickled to death near SCP-999.was obiously claimed to die by SCP-999
Scp Give your game more ideas to make it number
Idea 1#