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Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:19 am
by Nehpys
Denneisk wrote:I like the idea of recreating SCP:CB in Amnesia.
I never said that. I said it would be cool to implement an interactive environment LIKE Amnesia.
Denneisk wrote:The features are too advanced to be implemented in all of the game.
Uh, no they're not. Of course, they would be hard to implement, but they aren't too advanced.

Also, thanks for that polite "fuck off" brunou ;)

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:57 am
by Luggy
SyphenTV wrote:In the light of what hopes to be a stable release of Containment Breach, I thought I would suggest some ideas that would add a bit more to the game in terms of game-play. To be truthful, I wouldn't know how compatible these suggestions would be with modern Containment Breach, since it's not in the best shape as of now.

All these examples come from personal experience, so please don't get the thought that I am making these up. Because I shit you not, most of this has happened more than once.

Let me just start out that the ideas posted here are a quarter of what I originally thought up. I more or less just forgot them in my 6 hour game-play session of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (which I recommend with all of my heart).

INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENT -- Now I'll start this with most likely what all of you are thinking; "Syphen! What the fuck is wrong with you, we can't have interactive environments in this horror game! It would take away from the immersion!"naminganinsidejoke. An interactive environment would benefit the game quite a bit. Imagine it; you're running away from a Mobile Task Force member who caught sight of you, and you run into one of the offices. You could drag some of the chairs in front of the door, so he'll have to move it. Or you could push one of the bookshelves in front of the door, not only canceling one of the ways you can move through the facility, but requiring the Task Force member (and the whole group in that case) to re-route their movement cycle through the facility.

Now switching to a non very situational matter for this idea, the player could also open drawers and cases to find lower (or higher) level keycards, they could open cabinets (if staff dormitories ever will become a thing) to find some items that could help in the player in certain matters. The player could also open medicinal cabinets to get some medical supplies, if the medi-bay/other medical facilities are to be implemented.

DISTRACTIONS -- I know for a FACT that this has been mentioned once before, but I never saw why it wasn't actually implemented. The idea is simple: the player can obtain an item (like a S-NAV or a keycard) and throw it around into a hallway, or room. The generated noise would distract an NPC into thinking the player is in that room, and they would go check it out and see what's in there. While it wouldn't be a very good choice when being pursued by an object like SCP-173, it would be very useful if chased by an entity like the Mobile Task Force, or even SCP-106. If the player is being pursued by some entity that has lost them, they could throw something like a spare S-NAV into the hallway, or room near them to trick the entity that they've went that way, or are in that room. That could lead the entity to go on a "search mode" where they would spend a minute or two to find that player.

It would also be cool if we could take some items off of dead bodies to help us. For dead guards, we could take the emptied clip from their gun and throw that against a wall to gain an MTF's attention, or for a scientist, a pen, pencil, or keycard.

STEALTHYNESS: +9000% -- Lets just get this through everyone's minds: STEALTH IN CONTAINMENT BREACH FUCKING SUCKS. Got that? Good. Now you should be able to eat it for breakfast and shit victory!

On a serious note: it does suck. Seriously. If you by some chance manage to dodge the Mobile Task Force's aimbot with their point-perfect accuracy, or you just heard them coming and decided to run since you're stuck in a corner, you'd realize that it doesn't take much to hide effectively. All you need to do is go into one of the offices, and hide behind a desk to by the side of a bookshelf. I shit you not, they will never find you. Even if they saw you run into the office, they won't search for you, they'll either 1. Run to your hiding spot EXACTLY and kill you, or 2. walk through the office as if nothing had happened.

Now, NOT complaining about the Task Force's reaction to you hiding, let's look at the SCP's reaction to you hiding. Let's start with SCP-173. Oh wait, there is none, he just appears right next to you when he's near, and the same for 106 and 049 (when he could walk around the facility, since apparently he can't pre-1.3). A better way to combat this, is to have an ACTUAL FUCKING HIDING SYSTEM. And when I mean this, I MEAN it. Get creative.

Most of my inspiration for this was from the game Blackwell's Asylum. The game allows unique hiding procedures, allowing the player to hide in various objects, and confuse guards. These hiding procedures could be added into Containment Breach. Players could hide under desks, and hide in closets (if they were added), to allow some unique views and ways to get past enemies. They could also (if dormitories were added) hide under beds, or under tables or terminals with a desk to them.

I remember seeing one of D-7650/Sic's screenshots of Containment Breach on his Steam account, and one image there was him hiding in one of the vents in the roofs of the metal tunnels, watching the Task Force walk underneath him. That would be an interesting feature, where the player could jump into, and maybe even travel around the vents, where they could avoid enemies beneath them. There also could be more dangers to this though, in the vents they could encounter SCP-173 (since it's show that's how he travels in game), or, if they make a ton of noise, the MTF could shoot up into the vents, possibly killing the player or bringing it down, leading them into more danger.

The MTF, if at an able point, could also have another purpose. They could throw tear-gas or different types of grenades into the vents to flush the player out, leading to their eventual capture/demise.

RUNNING IMPROVEMENTS. YES. -- Think about it, what if the running system could be made a *bit* more realistic? How about allowing the character to run/sprint in ALL directions? Running backwards would be slower than running while strafing, and running facing forwards would be faster than running while strafing. You could also run while crouching which while still making a bit of noise, it wouldn't make AS MUCH noise as normal sprinting, allowing for some quick getaways while facing the MTF, or hiding from some other SCP. It also would be slower than running normally, but a small bit faster than sprinting backwards. And, how about some improvements to the duration of sprinting? I know this doesn't seem realistic (since it isn't), but how about the longer the player sprints, the faster and longer they can do it? Make sprinting more a bit more rewarding then just getting the super gas mask and be done with it. Along with that, de-buff the gas mask to make it so the player can't get these buffs while using the gas mask.
NOTE: As of 8:37 AM Of 7/23/16 I'm not able to finish this, at least during the time of uploading. I will finish off the thread later, and make a post beneath to compliment it. Anyways, please critique and comment on your feelings of these ideas!
Those ideas are great, and if anything, would probably be there if, as always, the game was running on a better/modern engine.

The only 2 realistic ideas with the current engine that could be applied are the stealth and stamina. Stealth really needs to be heavily improved and be more useful. It's only useful while facing 939 and the MTF. Making it an actual main mechanic and not a gimmick would make the game a lot better. For the stamina, while I don't know if it's too OP or not to buff it the more you sprint, however, nerfing the super gas mask is a good balancing idea.

But for the rest, the game needs to upgrade its engine. Because as of now, this old engine kinda limits new mechanics and such.

The idea of 173 crawling in the vents gave me a small giggle, btw. Poor thing, it's tough to be a moving statue without proper hands. Or just articulations.

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:28 pm
by Kryalis
I've had a thought in my mind that I believe would be a good idea.
You might think this is a bad idea at first but if you just hear me out then you might think that it could be possible.
After playing the SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod it's given the idea that they should take the idea from this mod and use it for the game.
I am talking about the guns!
My idea is that whenever the player comes across a dead guards body (I haven't completed the full game but from what I've heard and read you encounter several dead guards throughout the game with their weapons in hand) you are able to pick up their P90 and put it in your inventory. To make this not seem too OP and so it won't make D-9341 look like he is somehow already trained with guns, I think reloading and picking up clips shouldn't be included, therefore when you find a P90 you have to conserve your ammo and use it wisely, once you run out of ammo you just toss it aside and find another one. I find this idea valid because it would be something you can defend yourself against the MTF Units so you don't have to rely on running away from them all the time, therefore you can kill them.
SCP's however will not take effect on the weapon because nearly all of them are practically invincible except for SCP-049 which I will get into later. SCP-173 won't take effect since it is a fucking sculpture and we already know it doesn't take affect from that guard who tried shooting it in the intro so attempting to shoot SCP-173 would be futile, also I've gotten the idea that when you shoot the gun it will make you blink faster the more you rapidly shoot, because lets face it, you're always going to blink when you fire an automatic weapon in real life, so therefore shooting SCP-173 would be even more useless and would ultimately lead to your death. SCP-106 is obviously not going to take an effect against bullets, because not even the MTF Units try it, seeing as they run away whenever they see the old man and don't bother shooting it as they know guns can't stop it, not to mention the helicopters machine gun couldn't even take it down in the Gate A ending. SCP-096 obviously isn't going to work because it's skin is like rusty armor (getting this from the wendigos off of Until Dawn since they have a similar body type) so no matter how many times you shoot, nothing will pierce it's body. However the only SCP I think should take an effect from the P90 is SCP-049 since it is the closest thing to a human in the game so far, what I think the effect should be is basically when the player shoots 049 anywhere around the body, it basically stuns him for a second (like staggers or maybe just simply slows down his walking speed) and then he returns back to his regular movement, but that is just about it. Also the P90 would be a great thing to use against the SCP-049-2's so you can headshot them like the zombies they are. Any other SCP's such as 939's will not take an effect at all either because they are invincible and over powered or because they are an object.
But one more exception can be on that live SCP-1499-1 you can create if you put SCP-1499 in SCP-914 and set it to very fine.
Getting the idea into the game should be easy, basically just get permission from the creator of the mod and take the function and scripts of the P90 already existing in SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod and make some edits such as replacing the FPS hands and remove the ability of reloading and getting clips
What do you think?
If you think there is something you would like to add to this idea then just reply saying so? ;)

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:31 am
by GeneralSilent
Kryalis wrote:I've had a thought in my mind that I believe would be a good idea.
You might think this is a bad idea at first but if you just hear me out then you might think that it could be possible.
After playing the SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod it's given the idea that they should take the idea from this mod and use it for the game.
I am talking about the guns!
My idea is that whenever the player comes across a dead guards body (I haven't completed the full game but from what I've heard and read you encounter several dead guards throughout the game with their weapons in hand) you are able to pick up their P90 and put it in your inventory. To make this not seem too OP and so it won't make D-9341 look like he is somehow already trained with guns, I think reloading and picking up clips shouldn't be included, therefore when you find a P90 you have to conserve your ammo and use it wisely, once you run out of ammo you just toss it aside and find another one. I find this idea valid because it would be something you can defend yourself against the MTF Units so you don't have to rely on running away from them all the time, therefore you can kill them.
SCP's however will not take effect on the weapon because nearly all of them are practically invincible except for SCP-049 which I will get into later. SCP-173 won't take effect since it is a fucking sculpture and we already know it doesn't take affect from that guard who tried shooting it in the intro so attempting to shoot SCP-173 would be futile, also I've gotten the idea that when you shoot the gun it will make you blink faster the more you rapidly shoot, because lets face it, you're always going to blink when you fire an automatic weapon in real life, so therefore shooting SCP-173 would be even more useless and would ultimately lead to your death. SCP-106 is obviously not going to take an effect against bullets, because not even the MTF Units try it, seeing as they run away whenever they see the old man and don't bother shooting it as they know guns can't stop it, not to mention the helicopters machine gun couldn't even take it down in the Gate A ending. SCP-096 obviously isn't going to work because it's skin is like rusty armor (getting this from the wendigos off of Until Dawn since they have a similar body type) so no matter how many times you shoot, nothing will pierce it's body. However the only SCP I think should take an effect from the P90 is SCP-049 since it is the closest thing to a human in the game so far, what I think the effect should be is basically when the player shoots 049 anywhere around the body, it basically stuns him for a second (like staggers or maybe just simply slows down his walking speed) and then he returns back to his regular movement, but that is just about it. Also the P90 would be a great thing to use against the SCP-049-2's so you can headshot them like the zombies they are. Any other SCP's such as 939's will not take an effect at all either because they are invincible and over powered or because they are an object.
But one more exception can be on that live SCP-1499-1 you can create if you put SCP-1499 in SCP-914 and set it to very fine.
Getting the idea into the game should be easy, basically just get permission from the creator of the mod and take the function and scripts of the P90 already existing in SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod and make some edits such as replacing the FPS hands and remove the ability of reloading and getting clips
What do you think?
If you think there is something you would like to add to this idea then just reply saying so? ;)
I disagree. One thing i love about the game is you can't fight, you can only Run and Hide.

The whole "Should Guns be in the game?" idea was already discussed anyway. I don't remember where the Topic is at but it's here somewhere. It was decided Guns wouldn't be in the game.

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:42 am
by AveryLP
GeneralSilent wrote:
Kryalis wrote:I've had a thought in my mind that I believe would be a good idea.
You might think this is a bad idea at first but if you just hear me out then you might think that it could be possible.
After playing the SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod it's given the idea that they should take the idea from this mod and use it for the game.
I am talking about the guns!
My idea is that whenever the player comes across a dead guards body (I haven't completed the full game but from what I've heard and read you encounter several dead guards throughout the game with their weapons in hand) you are able to pick up their P90 and put it in your inventory. To make this not seem too OP and so it won't make D-9341 look like he is somehow already trained with guns, I think reloading and picking up clips shouldn't be included, therefore when you find a P90 you have to conserve your ammo and use it wisely, once you run out of ammo you just toss it aside and find another one. I find this idea valid because it would be something you can defend yourself against the MTF Units so you don't have to rely on running away from them all the time, therefore you can kill them.
SCP's however will not take effect on the weapon because nearly all of them are practically invincible except for SCP-049 which I will get into later. SCP-173 won't take effect since it is a fucking sculpture and we already know it doesn't take affect from that guard who tried shooting it in the intro so attempting to shoot SCP-173 would be futile, also I've gotten the idea that when you shoot the gun it will make you blink faster the more you rapidly shoot, because lets face it, you're always going to blink when you fire an automatic weapon in real life, so therefore shooting SCP-173 would be even more useless and would ultimately lead to your death. SCP-106 is obviously not going to take an effect against bullets, because not even the MTF Units try it, seeing as they run away whenever they see the old man and don't bother shooting it as they know guns can't stop it, not to mention the helicopters machine gun couldn't even take it down in the Gate A ending. SCP-096 obviously isn't going to work because it's skin is like rusty armor (getting this from the wendigos off of Until Dawn since they have a similar body type) so no matter how many times you shoot, nothing will pierce it's body. However the only SCP I think should take an effect from the P90 is SCP-049 since it is the closest thing to a human in the game so far, what I think the effect should be is basically when the player shoots 049 anywhere around the body, it basically stuns him for a second (like staggers or maybe just simply slows down his walking speed) and then he returns back to his regular movement, but that is just about it. Also the P90 would be a great thing to use against the SCP-049-2's so you can headshot them like the zombies they are. Any other SCP's such as 939's will not take an effect at all either because they are invincible and over powered or because they are an object.
But one more exception can be on that live SCP-1499-1 you can create if you put SCP-1499 in SCP-914 and set it to very fine.
Getting the idea into the game should be easy, basically just get permission from the creator of the mod and take the function and scripts of the P90 already existing in SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod and make some edits such as replacing the FPS hands and remove the ability of reloading and getting clips
What do you think?
If you think there is something you would like to add to this idea then just reply saying so? ;)
I disagree. One thing i love about the game is you can't fight, you can only Run and Hide.

The whole "Should Guns be in the game?" idea was already discussed anyway. I don't remember where the Topic is at but it's here somewhere. It was decided Guns wouldn't be in the game.
It's also stated in the FAQ that guns won't be added.

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:27 pm
by Kryalis
AveryLP wrote:
GeneralSilent wrote:
Kryalis wrote:I've had a thought in my mind that I believe would be a good idea.
You might think this is a bad idea at first but if you just hear me out then you might think that it could be possible.
After playing the SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod it's given the idea that they should take the idea from this mod and use it for the game.
I am talking about the guns!
My idea is that whenever the player comes across a dead guards body (I haven't completed the full game but from what I've heard and read you encounter several dead guards throughout the game with their weapons in hand) you are able to pick up their P90 and put it in your inventory. To make this not seem too OP and so it won't make D-9341 look like he is somehow already trained with guns, I think reloading and picking up clips shouldn't be included, therefore when you find a P90 you have to conserve your ammo and use it wisely, once you run out of ammo you just toss it aside and find another one. I find this idea valid because it would be something you can defend yourself against the MTF Units so you don't have to rely on running away from them all the time, therefore you can kill them.
SCP's however will not take effect on the weapon because nearly all of them are practically invincible except for SCP-049 which I will get into later. SCP-173 won't take effect since it is a fucking sculpture and we already know it doesn't take affect from that guard who tried shooting it in the intro so attempting to shoot SCP-173 would be futile, also I've gotten the idea that when you shoot the gun it will make you blink faster the more you rapidly shoot, because lets face it, you're always going to blink when you fire an automatic weapon in real life, so therefore shooting SCP-173 would be even more useless and would ultimately lead to your death. SCP-106 is obviously not going to take an effect against bullets, because not even the MTF Units try it, seeing as they run away whenever they see the old man and don't bother shooting it as they know guns can't stop it, not to mention the helicopters machine gun couldn't even take it down in the Gate A ending. SCP-096 obviously isn't going to work because it's skin is like rusty armor (getting this from the wendigos off of Until Dawn since they have a similar body type) so no matter how many times you shoot, nothing will pierce it's body. However the only SCP I think should take an effect from the P90 is SCP-049 since it is the closest thing to a human in the game so far, what I think the effect should be is basically when the player shoots 049 anywhere around the body, it basically stuns him for a second (like staggers or maybe just simply slows down his walking speed) and then he returns back to his regular movement, but that is just about it. Also the P90 would be a great thing to use against the SCP-049-2's so you can headshot them like the zombies they are. Any other SCP's such as 939's will not take an effect at all either because they are invincible and over powered or because they are an object.
But one more exception can be on that live SCP-1499-1 you can create if you put SCP-1499 in SCP-914 and set it to very fine.
Getting the idea into the game should be easy, basically just get permission from the creator of the mod and take the function and scripts of the P90 already existing in SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod and make some edits such as replacing the FPS hands and remove the ability of reloading and getting clips
What do you think?
If you think there is something you would like to add to this idea then just reply saying so? ;)
I disagree. One thing i love about the game is you can't fight, you can only Run and Hide.

The whole "Should Guns be in the game?" idea was already discussed anyway. I don't remember where the Topic is at but it's here somewhere. It was decided Guns wouldn't be in the game.
It's also stated in the FAQ that guns won't be added.
No indeed. Ah well, it was worth a try anyway :/

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:38 pm
by Precipitator
Yep, truly some of the ideas are not possible in the engine and would be above the level of the developers or take too long (No offense but I this is my judgement based on previous updates). The ideas are good though. The guns idea is kind of "meh" as they remove a bit of the horror but the idea of stunning enemies to buy an extra second is ok, just NOT a P90, the idea of using a handgun is better but even then, the class d might not know anything about a safety and as well as that practically it would be a bit strange with the recoil AND with the current engine you can't really add an impressive gun mechanic which also, you guessed it, would take too long to implement considering there are other better and easier things to add.

Again, really no offence to the developers, you are very impressive but I have not seen anything absolutely amazing which is due to the scale of the project and limitations of things you CAN add using the engine, I guess. It's just a point so take no offence.

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 8:25 pm
by Cridone
Precipitator wrote:Yep, truly some of the ideas are not possible in the engine and would be above the level of the developers or take too long (No offense but I this is my judgement based on previous updates). The ideas are good though. The guns idea is kind of "meh" as they remove a bit of the horror but the idea of stunning enemies to buy an extra second is ok, just NOT a P90, the idea of using a handgun is better but even then, the class d might not know anything about a safety and as well as that practically it would be a bit strange with the recoil AND with the current engine you can't really add an impressive gun mechanic which also, you guessed it, would take too long to implement considering there are other better and easier things to add.

Again, really no offence to the developers, you are very impressive but I have not seen anything absolutely amazing which is due to the scale of the project and limitations of things you CAN add using the engine, I guess. It's just a point so take no offence.
Actually, a lot of these ideas are entirely possible in the engine, the developers just aren't willing to go through with the effort to add them and get them to work properly.

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:33 am
by Zackonark
With code, anything's possible. Limitations can be placed on specific engines like Gamemaker and B3d, but even then a work around is possible to find. With Gamemaker, for example, you cannot work in 3D unless you purchase a non-standard license. But I know for a fact that it's entirely possible to code your own 3D engine in Gamemaker by doing the math of the third dimension, finding the verticies' relative points in 2D based on the camera's positioning, and stretching sprites as textures to fill these points.

So, it's never a question of if it's possible, rather it's how much effort you're willing to put in.

Re: Legitimate Some-What Well Written Ideas For Future Versions of Containment Breach.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:20 pm
by Marios
Zackonark wrote:With code, anything's possible. Limitations can be placed on specific engines like Gamemaker and B3d, but even then a work around is possible to find. With Gamemaker, for example, you cannot work in 3D unless you purchase a non-standard license. But I know for a fact that it's entirely possible to code your own 3D engine in Gamemaker by doing the math of the third dimension, finding the verticies' relative points in 2D based on the camera's positioning, and stretching sprites as textures to fill these points.

So, it's never a question of if it's possible, rather it's how much effort you're willing to put in.
Still, what if a workaround actually needs plenty of code and ends up making your game/program run slower than if the feature was officially implemented? You can't just workaround everything and expect smooth sailing.

About Gamemaker's workaround... Is it really worth it in the end when there is literally everything else is out there, including Torque Game Engine?