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Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:35 am
by Epickon
A lot smoother. The graphics are bright enough to see and there is almost no lag on my HP Pavilion g6. Overall, an improved version of the game.

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:37 am
by mrpeanut188
May I ask the purpose of having the item-physics collider so high above the ground? Currently it looks a few feet higher than the ground.

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:43 pm
by juanjp600
MrGuilkeyFace wrote:Hey, just wondering, do you think that ambient occlusion could be implemented? I'm curious how it would look. :o
It should be possible, though I'm not sure if I'll implement it.
mrpeanut188 wrote:May I ask the purpose of having the item-physics collider so high above the ground? Currently it looks a few feet higher than the ground.
Every rigid body in Bullet needs a margin to work properly. It's easy to hide, I just need to add a small offset to the rooms so the items look like they're touching the ground.

Anyway, here's a screenshot of what I'm working on now:

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:57 pm
I'm glad that the game isn't being ported to Unity. The Unity engine is very inefficient and Doesn't look much better than a lot of other engines out there.

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:26 am
by MonocleBios
LORD DEATH wrote:The Unity engine is very inefficient and Doesn't look much better than a lot of other engines out there.
Could you elaborate on both of these points?

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:05 pm
The problem with the engine is that you can have games like battlefield 2 on the Refractor 2 or battlefield 3 on Frostbite. Both have about the same graphic fidelity but can be run on a mediocre PC. The Unity can make some okay looking scenes but compared to the same scenes you could make with Frostbite, Unity would have a very low framerate and takes about twice if not three times the amount of power compared to other gaming engines that can make better graphics on nine year old machines(Xbox 360) . Just look at these two examples.
Battlefield 2 can be run on a low end PC with good graphics. Battlefield 3 has better graphics than most Unity run games and can be run on a freaking Xbox 360 and still look great.
Smaller Unity indie games that don't have much to them and have very low graphical fidelity can barely be run on an older unit. Long story short, Unity doesn't have much to offer graphic wise and it runs like crap. Not only that but it's very hard to optimize although it's easy to use. Compare Slender the Arrival's optimization on Xbox 360 With Battlefield 3. Note that Slender the arrival came out on Xbox about 9 months after the official game was released on PC. They had nine months to optimize the game and it looks like something that came out back in 2006. That should be an eye opener. Not to mention that guys with high-end PCs can run Battlefield at 1080p 60 fps but when it comes to running slender the arrival they get about 20-25 fps. Not to mention that the graphical fidelity in Slender the Arrival(even with maxed settings) doesn't look as good as battlefield.
My end conclusion is that indie developers should STAY AWAY from Unity as it can barely run higher end graphics. If you don't like my reasons, go talk to other people and they will tell you why Unity is not always the best choice. If SCP containment Breach was on Unity I highly doubt any one would actually be able to run it.
Don't get me wrong Unity in not an all bad inefficient engine. It simply is impractical because most people don't have the tech to run it. It's not good if your trying to make an indie game because adding just a little bit of graphical fidelity takes to much power and most games on Unity can barely run on normal and Low end PCs.

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:48 pm
by juanjp600
I think nice framerates could be achieved with Unity on older hardware, the issues with most of the games I've seen that are made in it is that most devs use a lot of third-party assets and use them all at once. I wouldn't blame the engine itself for those issues. Any engine, when used incorrectly, will look like crap and have a bad framerate.

Now please, get back on topic. I want to make sure that the shaders compile properly on your PCs.

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:04 am
by Spiffycat
I would like it if the ingame pause menu was a bit more like Fallout Classic where there is the boring black box is right now, and clicking on a button like Options would bring up a larger or full screen of the options you can fiddle around with. If you can get a graphics quality modifier in there, and only if Irrlicht can support expensive graphics, you would be doing a big favor for those who own cheap computers and a big favor for those who want to overhaul the graphics of CB.

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:23 am
by ApplePiah
I have some questions juan.

- Can you make it possible to make D-9341 flinch when ever he is shot?

- When you die, can you make the body a ragdoll so that it makes a realistic lifeless drop?

Re: Irrlicht Port

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:17 am
by juanjp600
ApplePiah wrote:Can you make it possible to make D-9341 flinch when ever he is shot?
ApplePiah wrote:When you die, can you make the body a ragdoll so that it makes a realistic lifeless drop?
It's not worth it unless I make the player's body visible, the port already simulates a somewhat realistic fall with a cylinder.
Spiffycat wrote:I would like it if the ingame pause menu was a bit more like Fallout Classic where there is the boring black box is right now, and clicking on a button like Options would bring up a larger or full screen of the options you can fiddle around with. If you can get a graphics quality modifier in there, and only if Irrlicht can support expensive graphics, you would be doing a big favor for those who own cheap computers and a big favor for those who want to overhaul the graphics of CB.
Irrlicht supports anything your graphics hardware can take. I don't fully understand the math involved in many modern effects, so it'll take a while until I can implement more enhancements, if I ever do. But for now, this kind of options menu is useless because there's not much you can fiddle with.

Now that the gamma slider is working, I'm planning on changing the layout of the map:
Each zone will have it's own level, and you can move between zones with an elevator which requires some access thing. This will reduce memory usage by having only one zone loaded at a time (each time you move from one zone to another, a loading screen will show up).
As for AI, connections between waypoints will be defined manually, because making the game link them automatically is slow and buggy (incorrect connections between waypoints causes the NPCs to run against walls).