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Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:07 pm
by goldfish911
Not sure if you mentioned this at some other point, in this topic, but is the AI/pathfinding for SCP-106(Old Man) implemented yet? It's going to be a bit weird given that it can travel through walls and whatnot.

Also, are you going to release an alpha/demo once the alarm scene is implemented, and proceed from there (like the early SCP-CB versions where there's just a facility and a few SCPs and no escape)?

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:02 am
by Hubbawubba64
goldfish911 wrote:Not sure if you mentioned this at some other point, in this topic, but is the AI/pathfinding for SCP-106(Old Man) implemented yet? It's going to be a bit weird given that it can travel through walls and whatnot.

Also, are you going to release an alpha/demo once the alarm scene is implemented, and proceed from there (like the early SCP-CB versions where there's just a facility and a few SCPs and no escape)?
Not yet. juanjpro is planning an AI that will actually intercept the players path by coming out of walls instead of just infinitely clipping toward the player.

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:36 am
by juanjp600
Deferred lighting is working now.

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:23 am
by Cpbald
juanjpro wrote:Deferred lighting is working now.
What are you going to implement next?

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:40 am
by juanjp600
I'm going to work on fixing a few things and adding a few more events for a new demo.

Regarding graphics, I'm considering working on SSAO or some form of DSSDO.

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:01 pm
by juanjp600

WASD to move, mouse to look, click to pickup items.

Press 1 to spawn 173. Press 2 to spawn 178-1. Press 3 to spawn SCP-066. N to noclip.

Implemented events are RoomStart (scientist and guard walking away from 173), RoomLockroom (timed doors) and Room2Doors (t-lockroom).

Occlusion query was disabled for SCP-173 because it is a major performance hog. Right now 173 will behave almost exactly as it does in vanilla scpcb (you can "see" it through walls), I'll look for a better alternative to occlusion queries.

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:30 am
by slender1200
When I try playing it, all I see is a black screen.
I also saw the "memes" Class-D in the textures...

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:39 am
by juanjp600
slender1200 wrote:When I try playing it, all I see is a black screen.
Would you mind running "console to file.bat" and pasting its contents here so I can fix this?

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:45 am
by slender1200
juanjpro wrote:
slender1200 wrote:When I try playing it, all I see is a black screen.
Would you mind running "console to file.bat" and pasting its contents here so I can fix this?
Alright. I will edit this later telling you what I get.

Re: SCPCBIrrlicht

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:41 am
by Ninjabuntu
Good lord Juanjpro, Great work thus far.

I was thinking about contributing animation services to B3D Containment Breach (the guard's sick up ass walk kinda bugs me) but I don't even know where to start to convert the Models to a blender readable format let alone back into a B3D one. But from what i see from your project, that doesn't seem like that is the issue at all.

I see your project and I am impressed with the progress you have made. I'm not a programmer (actually I am being a one man hobby game studio) by any means. So what Little C# I have learned is being cobbled together with my own Unity based SCP project. Been at it for years now. Almost as long as SCP:CB has existed, didn't even know about it until last year actually.

I am looking forward to play testing and sending you lots of Alpha Testing Reports very soon. Just need to find the time to actually start playing games again.

Lastly I have a question for you? Why Irrlicht over say Unreal, Source or Unity Engines? Well I guess source is out of the questions, but the others two can handle randomly generated game spaces with a little effort.

Personally I don't care for that much. Once i find a good seed that I feel good about I stick with it. I'd rather construct a highly detailed facility scene by scene then build a linear path and story with random events/encounters along the way along with scripted ones. BioShock styled HUD base anyone? LOL.

Still loving Containment Breach however. Your work is very impressive both with this project and Box of Horrors.