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Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:09 pm
by FireFox

Code: Select all

[Youth|Young|Liquid from Fountain of Youth|Fountain of Youth|Elixir of Life]
;color = 255, 170, 0
;sound = SFX\294\slurp.ogg
;sound = SFX\Horror8.ogg
;dispensesound = SFX\294\dispense2.ogg
;lethal = true
;message = You feel a strange sensation as your limbs begin to shrink. Memories begin to fade from your mind as your body twists and reverts to that which you once were before your birth.
;death message = A D-Class jumpsuit was found discarded besides SCP-294. Jumpsuit confirmed to belong to subject D-9341.
I will let you guys decide what they find inside the Jumpsuit.

Or an Alternate Version, For all you Happy People.

Code: Select all

[Youth|Young|Liquid from Fountain of Youth|Fountain of Youth|Elixir of Life]
;color = 255, 170, 0
;sound = SFX\294\slurp.ogg
;sound = SFX\Horror8.ogg
;dispensesound = SFX\294\dispense2.ogg
;lethal = true
;message = You feel a strange sensation as your limbs begin to shrink. Memories begin to fade from your mind as your body twists and reverts to a small form.
;death message = A D-Class jumpsuit was found discarded besides SCP-294. Bundled within the jumpsuit, A small, newborn baby was retrieved.
*Insert Baby crying / babbling and Lullaby Music here*

Second one isn't really a Death but you can't go around as a Baby, Can you?

Baby taken in for questioning.

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:03 am
by xxFalconArasxx
I am pretty obsessed with scientific particles and other concepts in the realms of quantum physics. Here are some deadly particles and phases of matter for D-9341 to drink.

Code: Select all

[Superfluid|Superfluid Helium|Liquid Helium|Helium|Helium-4]
deathmessage=A dead body identified as D-9341 was discovered with a severely damaged throat and mouth cavity containing sharp icicles and traces of Helium-4. There are visible open wounds caused by Thermal Contraction located along the throat, and it would appear that the superfluid liquid passed right through the body, damaging any organs that it contacts.

[Bose-Einstein Condensate|Quantum Gas]
deathmessage=A dead organic mass later identified as D-9341 through DNA tests was discovered with parts of the body frozen at near Absolute Zero temperatures. What was left of the throat and mouth cavity contained traces of near negative temperature Bosonic Particles, therefore making it a substance at a Bose-Einstein Condensate phase of matter the cause of death.

[Element 0|Element Zero|Neutronium|Neutrium|Tetraneutron]
message=You didn't think Biotic Powers were real? Right?
deathmessage=A dead body emitting large levels of radiation was discovered at Site [DATA REDACTED]. The subject was identified as D-9341, and it appears that the subject consumed an unknown substance. Analysis of the radioactive substance via use of and chemical and nuclear testing shows that it has 0 charge, is composed purely of Neutrons, and appears to lack any Electrons or Protons. This indicates that the substance may be the theoretical Element known as Netronium (Also known as Element Zero).

[Exotic Matter|Zero Point Energy|Negative Matter|Gravitons|Higgs Boson|God Particles|Black Holes]
deathmessage=After an investigation team was sent to inspect Site [DATA REDACTED], everything with in a 30 meter radius of a strange energy orb was missing. Assumed to be a singularity, it eventually demagnetized and collapsed. Foundation personal are unsure as to the cause of the event.

[Quarks|Glouns|Quark Gloun Plasma]
deathmessage=A large scorch mark measuring 30 meters in diameter with a glowing hot white crater was found in Site [DATA REDACTED]. Everything within a 10 meter radius appears to have completly disintegrated, with the exception of SCP-294. Tests are being conducted to determine the cause of this anomaly.

[Tachyons|Tachyonic Matter|Imaginary Matter|Neutrinos]
deathmessage=A beam of light was spotted emitting from Site [DATA REDACTED]. The origin was found to be with in the cafeteria. SCP-294 was left untouched by the vaporizing heat.

[Hydroflouric Acid|Hydrochloric Acid|Corrosive Acid]
deathmessage=D-9341 was found dead at Site [DATA REDACTED]. Study shows that severe acid burns are present with in the digestive system. SCP-294 may be the cause.

[Strange Matter]
deathmessage=A portion of the facility transformed into some form of grey colored goo like substance before being demagnetized. Further analysis is being done.

[Uranium|Plutonium|Polonium|Radium|Radioactive Element|Radioactive Material]
deathmessage=D-9341 was found dead near SCP-294 holding what appears to be a cup of a molten radioactive element that is being identified by investigators. It appears that D-9341 ingested the material, judging by the severely burnt digestive organs and the radioactivity of the body.

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:00 pm
by SCP-Sean
[BONK!|bonk|bonk!|BONK|BONK! atomic punch!|crit-a-cola|crit a cola|crit cola|critacola|crit-cola]
dispensesound =SFX\294\dispense3.ogg
message=mmmmm..... so refreshing. I feel unstoppable!

Basically has the effect of bonk! atomic punch and crit-a-cola from team fortress 2. Green coloured, dipense sound 3 (anomalous) and activates invincibility, just like bonk! atomic punch.

I may add blutonium berry. And explosive watermellon.

This is also my first bit of coding! YAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAY! :laugh:

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:15 pm
by Abincyprus
Someone has to do a cup of fart mod. lol

Code: Select all

glow= true
deathtimer= 2
deathmessage= Nine Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 after the incident in a corner. Tests concluded that the cause of death was a cardiac arrest, however the cause is still undetermined.

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:35 am
by RancidBuffalo
I like FalconAras's ideas, but I will point out that a Bose-Einstein Condensate is not a liquid, but rather its own state of matter. Remember that SCP-294 can only dispense liquids (that's why it can dispense gold, but not diamond).

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:43 pm
by xxFalconArasxx
RancidBuffalo wrote:I like FalconAras's ideas, but I will point out that a Bose-Einstein Condensate is not a liquid, but rather its own state of matter. Remember that SCP-294 can only dispense liquids (that's why it can dispense gold, but not diamond).
Yeah you're kind of right. It's not normally considered a fluid like substance, however it is referred to as a condensate, because Bose-Einstein Condensates are close to vapours (which is considered a transition phase between gas and liquid), but I guess even though vapors are considered liquids, it's not exactly fluid. I think it can still be made compatible for SCP-294 if you think of the Bose-Einstein Condensate being dispensed in the form of small traces contained in Superfluids, much like how soda has CO2 gas contained in the form of carbonated bubbles. These are known as Weakly Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensates, and are considered to be closely fluid.

The name Quantum Gas does not belong though, that's for sure.

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:20 pm
by Orion
Perhaps we could add... I dunno, a cup of insulin?

Code: Select all

[Insulin|NovoRapid|Novo Rapid|Glargine]
message=It smells strong... but it tastes slightly of milk...
Or maybe some ink?

Code: Select all

message=You're about to take a sip, but you recoil from the powerful odor of the liquid.

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 1:34 pm
by Gota-Morza
How about these...

Code: Select all

[Mercury|Quick Silver]
stomach ache=true
message=The Mercury is thick like cream, and burns your throat.

[Iron Brew|Irn Bru|Iron Bru|Irn Brew]
stamina effect=0.1
blinking effect=0.1
message= It's made from girders!

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:03 am
by autotroph
Uh, since I read in the wiki that deathtimer can delay the explosion if set to true, I assumed that would work in the game. But I tried it and after the cup is dispensed I immediately die as the explosion happens already. Is this a bug or is it that deathtimer doesn't really work for explosion at all?

Re: SCP-294 liquids

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:29 pm
by Akatos
autotroph wrote:Uh, since I read in the wiki that deathtimer can delay the explosion if set to true, I assumed that would work in the game. But I tried it and after the cup is dispensed I immediately die as the explosion happens already. Is this a bug or is it that deathtimer doesn't really work for explosion at all?
The deathtimer does not influence the explosion as it seems, if explosion is set to true it happens immediately and can't be delayed anymore, however this would be an interesting thing to be added in the future.