Turning the lights back on

Here's a quick suggestion.

We all know what the facility looks like before the lights go out. See how every corner of the room is visible?
A well-lit hallway. Not something you see every day in Containment Breach.
Now, when you play for a few minutes and arrive at the electrical control center, there is a primary lighting and secondary lighting switch. Assuming that the photo above is what it looks like with both switches flipped, why can't we restore it to looking that way? The only thing that seems to change is when the secondary lighting is turned off (which doesn't help much :roll: ). But what if turning the primary lighting on actually did something? Think of the possibilities of what you could achieve with more lights. Avoiding 173 at long distances, no more running into 106 or the MTF head on by accident.

Also, note the black "Fog" that materializes shortly after the intro sequence. Maybe turning on the primary lighting would remove that as well!
Anyways, just a suggestion. Would love to see some better lighting in one place or another. Feedback is appreciated, positive or negative.

Re: Turning the lights back on

FoxMccloud64 wrote:It could be good to activate the lights, but the game is dark ans scary so turning on the light may take away the horror of the game

Maybe have a few lights on?
This was the only problem I found, it may not be as scary. Maybe if there were a penalty for having the lights on...

Re: Turning the lights back on

God DAMN IT OP your avatar picture and your image signature are both fucking amazing.


I approve, but to satisfy the SCP fans you could make it so that there are a ton of dangerous steps that one must take to put the lights back on.

And I don't think lights would take away from the atmosphere, I think 173 and 106 would terrify people no matter what.

Re: Turning the lights back on

A Hideous Beast wrote:God DAMN IT OP your avatar picture and your image signature are both fucking amazing.
I approve, but to satisfy the SCP fans you could make it so that there are a ton of dangerous steps that one must take to put the lights back on.
And I don't think lights would take away from the atmosphere, I think 173 and 106 would terrify people no matter what.
Lol, thanks. I love editing the default game textures, such as putting different faces on 173. Makes for great avatars.
I actually joined no longer than a couple of hours ago. I've lurked this forum since the game was in 0.2.1 or earlier.
Also, what you said about taking dangerous steps to turning the lights back on. I agree. If we could put a fuse box or something in the maintenance tunnels and have the player replace a broken fuse (possibly a new fuse could be found in the Doctor's offices), then flip the primary lighting switch in the electrical center, I'd say that's quite a challenge that could be rewarded with light! Because right now, the maintenance tunnels do nothing else but summon Radical Larry (106) on my ass. They need a real, functional purpose.
FoxMccloud64 wrote:Imagine Amnesia with all lights on, Slender with My Little Pony sounds and a rainbow sky, the same would happen, without MLP :S
Sometimes, turning lights on can be a whole new experience. It doesn't necessarily have to be dark to be scary. Why, just look at Amnesia. It's the atmosphere, not the darkness, that makes the game unsettling.

Re: Turning the lights back on

I was thinking you or the MTF could turn the lights back on, since generally having light is an advantage to recontaining SCP's.

This would add a clearer atomsphere to the game. Maybe when the lights come back on, you can start seeing people who have come out of hiding only to be snapped by 173.

I like this... so mesa support.