SCP-096 Interaction, With some Other SCP interaction

Ok, here's my Ideas:

When you enter the Server room, or a Containment Chamber for SCP-096 (Possibly? :P), there can be a paper bag on the floor or in a room, and you can put it over SCP-096's head when in enraged mode for the 30 seconds, or when he is walking, he will sit down and cant attack you anymore until you take it off. I got that based off the wiki page, how 096 was calmed after a bag was over his head.
Maybe There can also be some Headmasks on a wall where it can stop you from seeing 096's Face, like in the Incedent, but it has a 40% chance of working.
There can also be a possbility of recontaining all SCP's by yourself, by finding a D-Class roaming around the facility like you, and put him in 173's chamber, and he can attract 173 to him, and you can get to the Admin booth and shut the doors when you de-activate the doors from 079's control, then reactivate them when you finish the deal you both had.

For 106, you can replace the subject in his containment cell (106's Chamber re-organize, possibly), and you can keep trying the procedure over and over, but you need to persuade him to go into the chamber, or trick him.

you have a 30-20% chance of finding a D-Class.
A Sound file could play where you re-contain SCP's and D-9341 could say:

*When Recontaining 173* "Got that Statue-like Bastard!"
*When Recontaining 106* "Got Him!/That floating Bastard is now captured."
*If the possibility of recontaining 096* "That Shy Freak cant bother No-more, haha"
*When you shut off the door control* "That Shows you, you worthless piece of TECHNOLOGY!"

*When the door infront of you shuts, or 079 comes on mic, your charecter can say* "Jesus Christ, what the hell, that scared me"
Thanks for reading, these are all of my ideas :P
If you have a problem, PM me :P


Re: SCP-096 Interaction, With some Other SCP interaction

Abincyprus wrote:If the character will speak, it will drop the feeling as if you're the character. It will feel more like you're just controlling his movements. SCP-012 tho, is cognitively killing your body control.

I have some similar suggestions about interactions between SCPs and the character and each other. check The New Suggestions Thread. My full list is kept on page 37.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!

Re: SCP-096 Interaction, With some Other SCP interaction

SyphenTV wrote: When you enter the Server room, or a Containment Chamber for SCP-096 (Possibly? :P), there can be a paper bag on the floor or in a room, and you can put it over SCP-096's head when in enraged mode for the 30 seconds, or when he is walking, he will sit down and cant attack you anymore until you take it off. I got that based off the wiki page, how 096 was calmed after a bag was over his head.
SyphenTV wrote: bag SCP-096's head when in enraged mode for the 30 seconds, or when he is walking, he will sit down and cant attack you anymore. I got that based off the wiki page, how 096 was calmed after a bag was over his head.
SyphenTV wrote: bag SCP-096's head, he cant attack you anymore. I got that based off the wiki page
SyphenTV wrote: bag SCP-096, cant attack anymore. wiki page
I do believe you read SCP-096's page incorrectly. He calmed down because people couldn't see his face anymore. He calmed down AFTER he obliterated the viewers that saw his face BEFORE he was bagged. As for the other scenarios, mrpeanut188/Regalis already explained it. Plus, viewing even a picture of him will piss him off.

Re: SCP-096 Interaction, With some Other SCP interaction

Well i like the paper bag idea, not for calming it since it does not work like that, but for covering his face before seeing it. There should be a bag shaped item in the shelfs some rooms which you only should be able to pick once you have read the 096 document and seen the scripted scene in the generator room.

I mean the basic bagbased recall protocol of 096 can be done by almost anyone that has a bag and knowledge of the anomality. And once the d-class reads the document he/she is aware of the abilities of 096, and after that sees it killing a guard, I think that searching for a bag or similar to put over its head for when you are close enough should be obvious.

Now I am not saying to disable 096 permanetly with this, but maybe to give the player a minute or two to look around the room while the still docile 096 struggles to get the head out of the bag, after the time that it gets its head out and returns to normal behaviour. Maybe the character should be able to push and guide 096 in this state, since its pretty much what the foundation does to recapture it when it gets out.

It would be canon, and give the impresion that the character actually learns from the documents you pick and read and from what happens, while also rewarding the people who have indeed read the document in-game. While the people who don't read will still be able to do it the usual way, looking at the floor because they were killed last time or they know of it beforehand.

This could also be done with more scps. Something like this------> D-class saw scp + read the document related tothat scp = new thing can happens in the game
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.

Re: SCP-096 Interaction, With some Other SCP interaction

Quick question, who did 096's yelling voice and crying sound? Because whoever did so, you're yell is the best yell ever. :096: :!: :MTF2:

Also, an idea for 096, is that on a document, just for fun, Maynard could have put a pic of 096's face and wrote, 'Haha! You're gonna die now! See you in hell, fucker!' Why Maynard? Because I hate him. Why? Look at the BoH mod and sometimes Maynard leaves a note at 005's room saying 'I got it first!'