I would like to add this SCP to the Game and I made a kind of "Document" for it, I hope you are putting P.S. I have lo

Subject: SCP-6-5-4 and foundend in :REDACTED: in :EXPUNGED:

Containment Level and hazard: Keter and Thaumiel / 4

Containment Zone: Heavy Containment Zone (underground)

SCP-6-5-4 is a sentient object and very inteligent with great agility. The body of SCP-6-5-4 is that of an average human being, however, 1.5m high. SCP-6-5-4 brings an end to the head where the brain is located and has a 2m long chain that sprouts from the right arm. SCP-6-5-4 has the same features of :096: SCP-0-9-6 but with the difference that you do not look at the eyes. SCP-6-5-4 shows extreme violence against persons "Class-D", little violence with guards and no one state of consciousness to the doctors. SCP-6-5-4, when you looked at the eyes, will enter into a state of depression and anger, and it will start to destroy things around him in a 2.5m radius. While he is in this state, it begins to change arms and legs turning them into flesh with sharp stones into them and fingers grow long claws 10.7cm. Later, it will enter into a state of pure anger and it will start to chase SCP-6-5-1--1 and I can not seem to see it it to smell the blood of the victims and the only way ([For now)] to halt the advance of SCP-6-5-4, or to cause to it a power of 12.4 volts.

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-6-5-4 must be in a cell 10m x 9m x 10m x 9m. The Horizontal End-Suction sides of the cell should be filled with crates that can be found in the entrance to the containment of SCP-9-3-9. The cell of SCP-6-5-4 has to be filled with chemicals not too powerful to keep quiet in case of emergency. The containment port SCP-6-5-4 has to be reinforced with flammable steel and reinforced steel shutters. In the cell of SCP-6-5-4, there should not be any instrument that gives eye contact with SCP-6-5-4, they will install devices such as SCP-0-9-6 in the cell. To operate the cell SCP-6-5-4, you will need to go to a corridor in front of the containment with a Card Key Level 3 and there will be all the tools to work with SCP-6-5-4 or the his cell.

Procedures to be applied to the subject or its containment:

There is no need for any action against SCP-6-5-4 and was ranked as Thaumiel to other SCP. For containment of SCP-6-5-4, the following procedures will apply: You will have to build an elevator that goes underground for more than 15m and the elevator will have a private code for doctors
which it can be found in the Entrance Zone in doctors' offices. There should be corridors such as the containment of SCP-0-4-9 and from there, after 5m, you will have to turn left and get to the containment of SCP-6-5-4. To the right of the cell, there will be another corridor reserved for searches based on SCP-6-5-4. In front of the containment, after 2m there will be a hallway to the right that will lead to the containment of the control room of SCP-6-5-4.

P.S. I'm italian, sorry for the bad english :oops: