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A new suggestions thread for future SCP:CB versions

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:56 am
by AveryLP
Since my original suggestions thread is old and I don't want to necropost (I ain't SCP-049 or 008 after all), I have decided to make this new suggestions thread with my ideas for the game.
Here are my ideas, which are also more reasonable that in my old thread, feel free to comment.

New SCP's

Could be implemented like in the Box of Horrors mod (With it's containment chamber and the doors going around it, forcing you to enter), and also could appear as a SCP-294 drink.
Probably the easiest to implement along with SCP-178.
Re-add SCP-178
I personally would like to see SCP-178 re-implemented, since I thought that it was a cool SCP to have.
Yes, it may not have been very useful, but it was cool nonetheless and a lot of effort must have been put into it.
Perhaps, it could be placed into Containment Room 5 (Where 500 and 1499's containment rooms are), since in the NTF mod, it also has three SCP containment rooms.
Along with SCP-009, this should be the easiest to implement.
Another minor SCP that I'd like to see implemented into the vanilla game.
In-game, it could appear in both it's containment chamber (Aka like in Box of Horrors) and to make it appear more often, perhaps in a event in another room, where a victim of SCP-409 shatters into pieces, and you have to carefully navigate around the crystals in order to not get affected.
This is probably the major SCP that I'd like to see implemented the most into the game, simply because it's an awesome SCP in general.
It could appear in-game just like it does in the NTF mod, but it could later appear inside the facility itself, so that it isn't just a one-time occurence.
Other ideas

Separate zone loading
To make it easier to add new SCP's and rooms without worrying about performance so much, perhaps the separate zone loading system from the NTF mod could be added to the game, albeit it would obviously need polishing before getting into the main game.
New facility layout
The zones should be differently arranged in floors, to enable massive expansions and more SCP's. (The HCZ could be the lowest level, the LCZ could be the medium level and the Entrance Zone would be above the LCZ. The checkpoints between the zones would have elevators leading to them. The elevator from LCZ to EZ would not work, forcing the player to go to the HCZ. (The checkpoints would still be on lockdown, so that you still would need to get to the surveillance room aka re-contain SCP-008 to progress) The Maintenance Tunnels could be below the HCZ. Gates A and B would remain the same, as they already are accessible only by elevator.
This new layout could work best in tandem with the seperate zone loading.

Re: A new suggestions thread for future SCP:CB versions

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:16 am
by CommanderMark
You know I'm actually gonna chime in on one of these threads with a suggestion.

It would be nice to see more ideas for SCPs from series 3, 4 or even 5 once it's open. atm CB doesn't include any SCPs from these series so it'd be great to see if there are some more recent articles that could work in the game. I mean another round of 009/178/457 suggestions is neat I guess but there's probably better ideas out there.

SCP-3106 seems like it could be a neat puzzle element. There could be a few instances of them that roam around the facility, maybe requiring you to distract them with body parts you can find (the severed arm anyone?).

Re: A new suggestions thread for future SCP:CB versions

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:16 am
by AveryLP
CommanderMark wrote:You know I'm actually gonna chime in on one of these threads with a suggestion.

It would be nice to see more ideas for SCPs from series 3, 4 or even 5 once it's open. atm CB doesn't even have anything from these series so it'd be neat to see if there are some more recent articles that could work in the game. I mean another round of 009/178/457 suggestions is neat I guess but I'd imagine there's better ideas out there.

SCP-3106 seems like it could be a neat puzzle element. Maybe there'd be a few instances of them that roam around the facility, maybe requiring you to distract them with body parts you can find (the severed arm anyone?).
This is actually a good idea, we should give these Series 3, 4 and 5 SCP's more attention. (I haven't really suggested them since I don't know them that well.)