SCP 1.2.3 Glitch - Guard won't move, game won't progress

I downloaded SCP from gamejolt and started playing it, when the guard reached a certain point he just stopped and looked at me, then never moved. This was during the first phase of the game, I watched youtube videos where the guard doesn't do this, how can I fix this? The guard just stands there and the game doesn't progress. I also deleted that version and downloaded 1.2.3 again from (I believe it's the official site), and the same exact thing happened, except this one had better brightness:

Re: SCP 1.2.3 Glitch - Guard won't move, game won't progress

Posted in the wrong topic. Moving to SCP:CB Bug Reports. Please pay attention to which subforum you are posting in.
Edit: I'll also leave a shadow-topic so that the OP can find it.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP 1.2.3 Glitch - Guard won't move, game won't progress

I have the same issue, but after getting tired of his crap really quick I decided to noclip through him, and it didn't continue until I reached the door into 173's room. Simply noclipping into the room beyond where the guard stops doesn't do anything, you have to get past the door as well. After the intro sequence, too, the lighting is painfully dark to the point where it's unplayable. The Light Containment Zone is pitch black below the player's eyes, making 173 almost invisible and 1048-1 completely undetectable. I haven't been able to progress far enough to encounter anything else, but it's a major issue.

Re: SCP 1.2.3 Glitch - Guard won't move, game won't progress

Mist Snare wrote:I have the same issue, but after getting tired of his crap really quick I decided to noclip through him, and it didn't continue until I reached the door into 173's room. Simply noclipping into the room beyond where the guard stops doesn't do anything, you have to get past the door as well. After the intro sequence, too, the lighting is painfully dark to the point where it's unplayable. The Light Containment Zone is pitch black below the player's eyes, making 173 almost invisible and 1048-1 completely undetectable. I haven't been able to progress far enough to encounter anything else, but it's a major issue.
Same exact problem here. It's infuriating. Please we need fix.

Re: SCP 1.2.3 Glitch - Guard won't move, game won't progress

Mist Snare wrote:After the intro sequence, too, the lighting is painfully dark to the point where it's unplayable. The Light Containment Zone is pitch black below the player's eyes, making 173 almost invisible and 1048-1 completely undetectable. I haven't been able to progress far enough to encounter anything else, but it's a major issue
This is caused by overly low screen gamma (brightness)
Play the game on fullscreen, so that you can increase your screen gamma for the game. Go to the options menu, before starting/loading a game, and set your gamma so that the motto on the bottom "Secure, Contain, Protect" is moderately visible. The last of the letters should be a bit more than barely visible.

Edit - All letters have the same visibliity. Ignore the last sentence.

Re: SCP 1.2.3 Glitch - Guard won't move, game won't progress

Same thing happened to me! I read the replies and know how to just play, but I really want to play the intro, too. So, here is something for the developers of the patch to figure out, but the patch when downloaded wouldn't work. There were missing files they said were included in the patch. Here is exactly what it says when I try to open the patch:
The following DLLs were not found in the game directory:
